Annbank Brickworks, Annbank, South Ayrshire | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Annbank Brickworks, Annbank, South Ayrshire

Annbank Brickworks, Annbank, Ayrshire.


Annbank Brickworks were established by Bairds and Dalmellington Iron Company Ltd in 1934. The works were taken over by the National Coal Board in 1947 and were operated by them until the formation of the Scottish Brick Corporation in 1969. The works were closed on the 15 January 1977 and had been demolished by April 1979.

13/10/1876 – North British Agriculturist – Fatal accident. WhiIe a number of labourers employed at a brickwork at Annbank, near Ayr, were on Thursday engaged in pushing a waggon into a iye (?) connected with the work, two waggons which had before been pushed up the incline rolled back, and came violently in contact with the one which was being pushed up. One of the men named Priest was thrown to the ground and falling in front of one of the wheels it passed over his head, and killed him instantaneously. Deceased was a young man, and leaves a wife and small family.

19/05/1880 – Dumfries and Galloway Standard – Avert for P. B. McKill, 1 Rae Street, Dumfries, coal, lime, fireclay goods and brick merchant … Annbank’s red composite bricks. These bricks are unquestionably the best and cheapest in the South of Scotland … (Note – SBH – Is this a reference to an earlier Annbanks Brickworks?)

20/03/1934 – The Scotsman – Bairds and Dalmellington Limited, 2nd ordinary general meeting … The demand for bricks manufactured by the Company continued to be good in 1933. Your directors have decided to erect a new brickwork in the Annbank area which will be of the most modern design and will produce bricks of a high standard of quality. It is hoped that these bricks will be on the market about midsummer …

22/03/1934 – Kilmarnock Herald – Brickwork for Annbank. Suitability of the county as a location for new industries was stressed by an Ayrshire man, Mr Robert L Angus, at the annual meeting of Bairds and Dalmellington. Ltd., in Glasgow during the week. The company’s support of the efforts being made by the Ayrshire Development Council in bringing the advantages of the county to the notice of industrialists were praised by Mr Angus. The advantages, he said, were undoubted in view of the excellent railway and harbour facilities, the availability of fuel supplies at moderate prices and the reasonable local rates. “I think a point too often lost sight of by those in search of sites for new industries,” he continued “is the supply of labour that may be available, not only at the present time but when employment generally returns to a more normal level. When this takes place, I consider that in the South of England, where so many of the new industries are finding a home, there may be experienced a real shortage, and that, taking the long view, new industries will be well advised to select sites where there is sufficient margin of suitable labour available at the present time.” Mr Angus referred to the general opinion that labour will follow the industry, but added that it was true to a certain extent only as the population had its roots in the soil and did not readily migrate to strange surroundings. An optimistic note was struck by Mr Angus who then announced that the company would open a new brickwork at Annbank and that the bricks would be on the market by mid-summer. Such a lead, he hoped would attract other industries to the county.

19/03/1935 – The Scotsman – Bairds and Dalmellington Limited, 3th ordinary general meeting … The demand for bricks of the Company’s manufacture continued to be good in 1934 and the new brickwork in the Annbank area, to which I referred in my remarks last year, was in operation for six months of the year. The bricks manufactured there have met with a good demand and an excellent reception on the market.

17/03/1936 – The Scotsman – Bairds and Dalmellington Limited, 4th ordinary general meeting … Additions to your Annbank Brickwork were also brought successfully into operation in July and a new brick kiln was commenced at Dalmellington which, I am pleased to tell you has been producing bricks as from the end of last month. I am glad to say that the demand for the Company’s production of bricks continued to be good in 1935 and that the increased make available for disposal was readily absorbed. Further improvements in connection with screening and other plant have been carried out and the process of mechanisation underground carried a stage further. The Company’s properties and plant have been efficiently maintained …

1947 1969 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ states the National Coal Board were owners.

1961 – 1962 – A directory of British clay products and manufacturers – Annbank Brickworks (See NCB Scottish Division, Ayr East and West). Common bricks. Trade name – Annbank.

1969 1977 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’ states the Scottish Brick Corporation were owners.

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