Preston Grange found on Russky Island, Russia | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Preston Grange found on Russky Island, Russia

Found Russky Island, Vladivostok , Russia by Svyatoslav Bulavko from Vladivostok.

He says  -“Before the revolution of 1917, there were many different merchants and industrialists. Vladivostok is visited by many ships.

Sometimes, among ballast materials were imported and bricks.  This sample, with a mark “Preston Grange” was found in only one place on the Russky Island, in the barracks of the old fort 1899 in the collapsed masonry of  the  oven”

Below – “Fort Russkih” –

Russky Island Vladivostok


Russky Island - Preston Grange brick

Russky Island

Below – 3 x Preston Grange bricks found Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Prestongrange Brick, Tile and Fireclay Works, Prestonpans, East Lothian, Scotland.

Russky Island Preston Grange brick 3


Russky Island Preston Grange brick 2


Russky Island Preston Grange brick 1


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