48 ALD | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

48 ALD

Falkirk Museums and Archives  FMA

This example is not in my possession but picture reproduced by kind permission of FMA.

This is an orange coloured mould box used in brick making by Callendar Brick and Fireclay Company Limited. The special brick would have borne the brickmark 48 ALD in a cicular mark.

FMA state an associated company is Allied Ironfounders Ltd – established in 1929 by an alliance of ironfounding companies across the UK. In the Falkirk area these included M Cockburn & Co, Falkirk Iron Co, McDowall, Steven & Co, Forth & Clyde & Sunnyside and Callendar Iron Co. Other companies joined later, including Dobbie Forbes in 1934. The companies were taken over by Glynwed in 1969. Glynwed Foundries has its registered office in Birmingham. Glynwed Foundries was incorporated in 1961 with the registration number 0068751. Makers of Cookers, Fires, Boilers, Sinks, Baths, etc. 1962-1965.

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