A & T Bow Glasgow brick found in Bathurst, NB, Canada | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

A & T Bow Glasgow brick found in Bathurst, NB, Canada

Found in foundations of Doucet Hennessy House, a 19th-century house in Bathurst NB, Canada.

A & T Bow, Brickmakers and Builders and drain pipe and roof tile manufacturers, Shields Brick and Tile Works, West Street, Tradeston.

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Melynda states there are 3 known phases of development with regards the house. 1807-1812. 1837 to 1845 and 1858.

The 1st phase is too early for A & T Bow. The 2nd and 3rd phases fit nicely into the A & T Bow company lifespan which I believe to be c.1835 to c.1867.

On 14/10/2017, I had the great pleasure to meet Melynda Jarratt in Edinburgh. Melynda, on behalf of the Foundation of the Doucet Hennessy House in Bathurst, generously donated an ‘A & T Bow, Glasgow’ brick which had previously been used to build part of the cellar at the Doucet Hennessy house.  This was a fabulous gesture and will add greatly to my Scottish brick collection. Not many bricks will have been manufactured in Scotland, shipped to Canada, carried out a working life and then been repatriated, by air, back to Scotland to retire! (Photo of cleaned up brick to follow).

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