Allan & Mann Patent Glasgow | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Allan & Mann Patent Glasgow

Found Newcraighall, Edinburgh.

Allan & Mann, Port Eglinton, Glasgow.

Alternative brickworks include:

  • Rutherglen Pottery, Glasgow.
  • Mallsmire Works, Myrtle Park, Crosshill, Glasgow.



Below – The same mark on a shaped brick found in Falkirk.

Below x 2 – The same mark on a shaped brick found by Michael Fallone in the Glasgow area.


Below  –  The same mark on a shaped brick. Found by Michael Fallone in Glasgow.

Below  –  The same mark on a ‘stop’ brick. Found by Michael Fallone in Glasgow.


Below – The same stamp on a bullnose example. Found by Willie Guthrie on the site of the old Lennox Foundry, Glasgow.

Below – The same stamp on a brick found by Many Morgan in the Glasgow area. Note the brick appears to have been at some point misaligned with the brick stamping machine as part of a stamp appears on the top margin of the brick.

Below – The same stamp on a brick found by Declan McGeough in Glen Forest Park on the edge of West Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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