1840 – 1841 – Connected? – William McLuckie, Manager, Keppochhill Colliery. House Hamiltonhill.
Below – 23/03/1855 – Glasgow Herald – Bricks for sale. At Anniesland Brickfield, near the termination of Great Western Road. About 700,000 bricks of superior quality. As the ground must be cleared for extended operations in the summer season, they will be sold on liberal terms. The field is situated within a short distance of the Forth and Clyde Canal, on which there is a convenient wharf for shipment. Apply to John Kirkwood, Esq., 33 Buchanan Street, or to the manager at the field. Extract from the report of chemical analyses of clay and brick by Jas. Napier, Esq., F.R.S., Partick:-“These clays, so far as their composition is concerned, are most excellent for bricks, there being nothing in them in such quantity that is calculated to effect the destruction of the bricks made from them by exposure. The composition of the brick shows that no matters have been added that are deleterious to the quality. Some of your bricks I tested two years ago only imbibed from 7 to 10 per cent. of their own weight of water, and these have stood since that time exposed to the weather without defect.”

07/05/1855 – Glasgow Herald – Bricks for sale – A stock of good, hard burned bricks, including scuntion, arch, circle and bully brick, at Anniesland Brickfield, near Partick. The bricks can be delivered at Port-Dundas or at any place on the coast. Terms Moderate. Apply Joseph Affleck, Clyde Street, Partick or at 35 East Howard Street, Glasgow.
1856 – 1857 – ScotlandPlaces – Anniesland Brickworks. Brickworks near Anniesland Farm steading belonging to Mr Smith.
23/11/1857 – Glasgow Herald – Public sale of brickmakers plant and erections and 100,000 bricks etc. Messrs McTear & Kempt will sell by auction at Anniesland Brickfield (a little west of Gartnavel at the termination of the Great Western Road) on Tuesday 8th December at 12 o’clock. The whole plant consisting of brickmaking tables, planks, tressels, wheelbarrows, spades, brick moulds, Capital sludge pump etc about 80,000 new bricks on the field, 15,000 old ditto and a large quantity of tiles; also drying stoves (which will be sold either in one lot as they stand or the materials will be sold in detail, comprising bricks, tiles, roofing, iron furnace, doors and bars etc). 21 Gordon Street 23/11/1857
Below – 1857 – Anniesland Brickworks, Glasgow.

Below – 23/04/1858 – Edinburgh Gazette – Kirkwood brickmaker Anniesland.