Atlas Coatbridge | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Atlas Coatbridge

Found in the Ayrshire/Lanarkshire area by John (Ian) Jones, Ayrshire.

Calder Fireclay Co., Coatbridge. Telephone, Coatbridge 54 ; teleg. add., “Atlas, Coatbridge”.





Below – Ian Suddaby found these two at the Lugars Iron Works site, East Ayrshire. Ian states “The bricks are the same size but they’re hand stamped and the stamps are off-centre. ATLAS is the same length on both bricks but there is an eighth of an inch difference in the height of the letters. That could just be where the stamp hasn’t been lifted off the brick vertically but COATBRIDGE is the same height. There is however no doubt that the letters in ATLAS are thicker on the top brick. If these stamps were made on-site by a blacksmith minor differences are to be expected?”


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