Blairingone Fireclay Mine, Blairingone, Fifeshire
28/12/1895 – Alloa Advertiser – New coal and clay supply – A Cowdenbeath firm have opened a shaft at Blairingone near to the established Church Manse there and are getting a good supply of coal. The seam of coal is 3 1/2 feet thick and above and below the seam is a 2 1/2 foot layer of fine clay which is being used by Messrs W.R & J Carmichael, brick makers and C. Buick & Sons, Hilton Brick Works, Alloa.
10/11/1905 – Musselburgh – An comprehensive article describing the working life of Robert Martin, b. 02/11/1851 currently colliery manager, Niddrie Collieries, Portobello … Mr Martin’s first appointment as a colliery manager was under the Uphall Oil Company at their coal pit at Armadale. This was when he was only 22 years of age and he was appointed under the clause in the Mines Act of 1872 which required him to sit for his certificate at the next examination. In 1874 be was successful at Glasgow and he recalls that one of the examiners was Mr James McCreath, M.E., of that city, who at the present time visits Niddrie Collieries in the interests of one of the landlords, Sir James Miller of Manderstone. From Armadale, Mr Martin went to Blairingone, Fifeshire, where he was manager, cashier and salesman combined at the coal and fire-clay mine of W. R. and J. Carmichael. From here he crossed over to Ireland under the Eglinton Chemical Company, Glasgow to look after the mines, quarries and harbour at Ballintoy in Co. Antrim …