Boghead Brick and Tileworks, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Boghead Brick and Tileworks, Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire

14/05/1847 – Glasgow Herald – Brick and Tile Work to let with immediate entry. The brick and tile work at Boghead near Dumbarton will be let for the current year. If not let, the materials of the sheds, kilns, clay or pugmill and the whole utensils used for carrying on the work will be sold by a private bargain. There are about 5000 roofing tiles, 10,000 feet of shelving with 56(?) couples of a span of 16 feet and relative posts. Also a large quantity of common and fire bricks built in the kilns and a horse and cart. For particulars apply to Messrs Allan Snodgrass, farmer, Mollandow, Cardross; James Taylor, Townend or John Paterson, writer, Dumbarton. Dumbarton 11/05/1847.

Below – 1860 – This would appear to be the area where the former Boghead Brick and Tile Works were situated.

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