Boghead R H & Co | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Boghead R H & Co

Found by Ian Suddaby at the site of the old Boghead Brickworks.

This example is not in my possession.

Boghead Fireclay Works, Bathgate, West Lothian.

The origins of ‘RH & Co’ are unknown. It is not thought that the initials stand for any one-time owner of the company. There is a small fly in the ointment with regards this thought because when Robert Muir and Company owned the company, they had a Mr Robert Heeps working for them as a colliery manager but there is no information available to say that he was ever part of a company known as ‘RH & Co’. It is more likely that ‘RH & Co’ were the initials of a customer of Boghead Fireclay Works, whether in the UK or overseas.

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