Bonnybridge Brand L | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Bonnybridge Brand L

This example was found in Edinburgh and is in the possession of Ian Suddaby.

This is not in my possession.

Unusually for a firebrick, one stretcher face has a rough finish and the other is smooth.

Bonnybridge Silica & Fireclay Co Ltd, Bonnybridge.
Calder Firebrick Works, Airdrie, Lanarkshire.
Chapelhall Works, Lanarkshire.

Hepworth Ceramic Holdings plc (GR-Stein Refractories Ltd. parent co) bought the Bonnybridge Silica & Fireclay Co. Ltd in 1972, closed Bonnybridge works in 1973 and closed Chapelhall in 1980. Therefore between 1972 and 1980, GR-Stein Refractories probably continued to manufacture bricks with this trademark for a time.



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