Bowhill Brickworks, Bowhill Colliery, Fife | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Bowhill Brickworks, Bowhill Colliery, Fife

Below – 15/12/1892 – Dundee Courier – A labourer James Clark was charged with having on 9th December at the colliery office at Muiredge, belonging to Messrs Bowman produced to James Dryburgh, Cashier a ticket or order stating “Brickwork pit, Dec 12 1892, Please pay Wm Mackay 3 days  4 hours at 3s per day – W. Earl Manager” and having pretended that the order was a bona fide one, he himself having written it and induced the cashier to pay him 10s 4d which he appropriated to his own uses. Found guilty and sentenced to 21 days to jail.

01/12/1906 – Dundee Courier – Women loading waggons with bricks. On the 17th of October Elizabeth Innes, brickfield worker, Twelfth Street, was run over by two empty waggons at the No.4 siding of the Bowhill Coal Company’s Brickwork, and died in the Kirkcaldy Cottage Hospital on the 3rd November. It was explained in the evidence that a train of loaded coal had been shunted into the siding, and came into contact with other waggons, causing her to fall. Answering His Majesty’s Inspector Factories, Jane Murray, another worker, stated it was an old practice for women to load the waggons with bricks, an operation at which the deceased was engaged. A railway guard said he thought there was nobody in danger. There was no protection for the colliery people working at the siding. Formal verdicts was returned.


23/10/1909 – The Scotsman – Mixer wanted, one experienced with Fawcett’s brick machine will be preferred. Apply Bowhill Brickworks, Cardenden, Fife.

1922 – The Fife Coal Company Limited owned the brickworks at Hill of Beath, Blairadam and Bowhill.

01/09/1933 – Dundee Courier – Angus and Fife Estate – Archibald Bowman, Percival Cottage, Muiredge, Buckhaven – £6,122 19s 2d.

06/09/1934 – Dundee Courier – The Fife Coal Company displayed Fife manufactured bricks at an exhibition at British Industries House, Oxford Street, London. (Notes SBH – There is no reference to which exact brickworks were featured).

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