C | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry


Found by Ian Suddaby on the site of the old Montrose Iron Foundry.

This example is not in my possession.

Unidentified manufacturer.

Find location would suggest Scottish origins but …

Ian states – The C mark in Scotland is known to represent Commondyke Brickworks near Auchinleck in Ayrshire but there is no documentary evidence so far that they made firebricks.

This C marked firebrick is interesting in several ways. Firstly, it was found in Angus, far from Ayrshire. Second, it’s a very rare variation on a circle brick because the bed faces curve, as opposed to the stretchers. Third, the C is added by a roller or ribbon which is again very unusual.
The C itself is similar to the C on a Commondyke brick in the final photo but it’s far from conclusive as other C marked bricks are much less similar.
Datewise, probably mid-20th Century which is just fine for Commondyke Brickworks. Conclusion, uncertain provenance but a unique find.


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