Caiplie Brick and Tile Works, Largo, Fife
Canmore –
The Object Name Book of the Ordnance Survey (ONB) describes the works as ‘A large brick and tile work now in disuse, yet the whole of the buildings are in good repair there is a large clay hole attached; the dwelling-house attached to the work is at present occupied by the labourers to the Caiplie farm. The property of Robert Anstruther Esq. of Thirdpart.
23/05/1844 – Fife Herald – New drain tile and brickworks. The Caiplie Tile and Brickworks, producing the most approved forms ad sizes of draining tile, also bricks and roofing tile, are now in operation, and the Material and Manufacture are with confidence recommended. The works are situated close on the sea at Caiplie, which is midway between Kilrenny and Crail, and are the nearest for all the district east of Largo. Walter Tweedie, Manager. Caiplie, 15th May 1844.

1853 – 1855 – ScotlandsPlaces – Caiplie Brick and Tile Works. About 1 Mile E. by N. [East by North] from Kilrenny Church. A large brick and tile work now in disuse, yet the whole of the buildings are in good repair. There is a large clay hole attached; the dwelling-house attached to the work is at present occupied by the labourers to the Caiplie farm. The property of Robert Anstruther Esqr. of Thirdpart.
Below – 1854 – Caiplie Brick and Tile Works, Fife.

1893 – The Caiplie Brick and Tile Works are not marked as such.