Callender Cable and Construction Co Ltd, Erith, London
Callender Cable and Construction Co Ltd, Erith, London.
(Note – SBH – I have created a page for this company on my website as Graces Guide, infers it had connections with Falkirk, Scotland. However, I cannot confirm whether this was a manufacturing site or perhaps a sales outlet. Further, I cannot confirm 100% whether the company manufactured terracotta electricity cable covers or had them manufactured by a separate company and stamped with the Callender name. Bricks have also been found stamped ‘Callender’) – further research and clarification are required.
From research by Ian Suddaby, we believe this CC trademark stands for Callenders Cable & Construction Ltd which apparently had connections in Falkirk, Scotland, this firm started life as Callenders Bitumen Telegraph and Waterproof Co Ltd. but the name changed in the 1890s. They made cables at a plant in Erith near London from the later 1890s and formed part of BICC in 1945. It is possible the company sourced the making of the clay covers out to various companies however it is not certain where they were made.
Graces Guide
British Insulated Callenders Cables
29/07/1896 – London Evening Standard – New Companies – Callender’s Cable and Construction Company Limited.
1903 – Callender Cable Construction Co. Limited (William Douglas Reid, engineer), Balmoral Place, Stirling