Caradale Brick Ltd, Etna Works, Lower Bathville, Armadale, West Lothian. Previous Names – Glasgow Iron and Steel Company from 31/03/1888 – 13/03/1998.
31/03/1888 – Caradale Brick Ltd was founded (Glasgow Iron and Steel Company)and had its registered office in 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
18/10/2011 – Edinburgh Gazette – Caradale Brick Ltd – Notice is hereby given that on 13 October 2011 a Petition was presented to the Court of Session by Caradale Brick Limited, 144 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2HG craving the Court inter alia that Caradale Brick Limited having its registered office at 144 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2HG (“the Company”) be wound up by the Court and that an interim liquidator be appointed; in which Petition the Court of Session by interlocutor dated 13 October 2011 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers thereto within eight days after intimation, advertisement or service, and eo die appointed Stewart MacDonald, insolvency practitioner of Scott-Moncrieff, 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NL to be Provisional Liquidator of the Company with the powers specified in Parts II and III of Schedule 4 of the Insolvency Act 1986, of which Notice is hereby given.
13/12/2011 – Edinburgh Gazette – Caradale Brick Ltd – (In Liquidation) – I, Stewart MacDonald, Chartered Accountant, 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NL, hereby give notice, pursuant to Rule 4.19 of the Insolvency (Scotland) Rules 1986, that on 13 December 2011, I was appointed Liquidator of the above-named Company by a Resolution of the First Meeting of Creditors held in terms of Section 138(3) of the Insolvency Act 1986. A Liquidation Committee was established.
Creditors who have not already done so are requested to lodge formal claims with me before 13 March 2012. Stewart MacDonald, Liquidator.
16/11/2013 – Caradale Brick Ltd was dissolved.
Below – 2007 – A table of brickworks owned by Caradale Brick Ltd.
Company |
Brickworks |
Kiln |
Capacity/year |
Type |
Caradale Traditional Brick Ltd |
Mayfield Works, Carluke |
Hoffman |
14 million |
Pressed |
Caradale Traditional Brick Ltd |
Etna Works, Armadale |
1 x Hoffman
1 x Intermediate |
21 million |
Product range – Bricks not branded (date unknown)
Buff multi – Afton mixture, Atholl rustic, Balmoral smooth, Carron smooth, Kelvin antique, Pentland mixture.
Red multi – Border mixture, Bracken smooth, Braidwood antique, Braidwood mixture, Braidwood rustic, Carrick rustic, Royal antique, Royal rustic, Royal smooth, Royal smooth tumbled, Scotch common.
Product range – January 2000 – Produced at Etna Works.
Exclusive facing brick range – Kelso cream mixture, Irvine smooth multi, St Monan’s antique gold.
Caradale range – 2000 –
Buff multi – Atholl buff, Afton cream, Braidwood buff, Carron smooth multi, Kelvin antique gold, Pentland buff, Cheviot buff, Balmoral smooth blend.
Red multi – Border mixture, Bracken red, Braidwood antique blend, Braidwood red, Braidwood smooth multi, Carrick red, Melrose, Royal antique blend, Royal rustic, Royal smooth
Imperial Range – Abbotsford red multi, Antique blend, Bracken blend, Royal blend, Dark hearted.
Commons 65mm, and 73mm frogged.
Below – Caradale business card – Dick McLaughlin. Works manager – Mayfield.

