Christie & Co | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Christie & Co

This brick was found by Tony Gray in the Newcastle, Northumbria.

Unidentified manufacturer but it may be Scottish as per the ponderings below or indeed because of the find location, this brick may originate from NE England.





Below – This brick was found in St Petersburg, Russia and a photograph was kindly forwarded by Vladimir Smirnov.

It may be stamped Christie and Son as per the above example although if it does it is a variation on that stamp.

The manufacturer is unknown but it is likely to be British and possibly Scottish or from the NE of England.

Possibly manufactured by Christie & Son, Brick and tile makers, Shore Road, Stirling or at their Blackgrange Brick and Tile Works at Cambus near Alloa. (Note – SBH – It is not certain but it is believed at this time that Christie & Son owned both the Shore and the Blackgrange Works).

It may also be a product of Messrs C & A Christie, Wallyford Brick Works, East Lothian.

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