Cobbinshaw South Oil Works and the brickworks appear to have shared the same location. The original brickworks were built c. 1870 and the oil works c.1873
The South Cobbinshaw Fireclay and Brick Company – This company was formed to restart the brickworks.
Registration Date: 16th May 1884
Registered Office: Townhall Street, Inverkeithing.
Directors: Thomas Scott, 12 Broughton Place, Edinburgh.
Robert Munro, Bathgate.
Andrew A. Rose, 172 Leith Walk, Edinburgh.
Hall Grigor, Inverkeithing.
No list of first Directors, these listed at Meeting on 1.7.86.
1. Acquiring the brickworks at South Cobbinshaw in the County of Midlothian, and obtaining a lease of the fireclay and other clay in the lands of South Cobbinshaw before mentioned, and working the said clay.
2. Carrying on the trades or businesses of fireclay and brick manufacturers and any trades or business, aforesaid and working clay mines.
3. Purchasing or taking in exchange, or on a lease, renting occupying or otherwise acquiring any lands, freehold, or other tenure, hereditaments, premises, properties, estates, and effects, or any grants, concessions, leases, or other interests therein needful for the development of the said trades or businesses.
4. Purchasing or working any patent or patent rights, and taking out and obtaining, letters patent, for inventions, both in the U.K. and abroad, which may be conducive to the businesses aforesaid and may be considered desirable for the interests of the Company and granting licences for using, or selling and disposing of such patents or patents rights respectively. Winding Up: 8th January 1889. Voluntarily.
Below – 1870 – 1881 – Occupiers of Cobbinshaw Oil Works

20/03/1874 – Glasgow Herald – Bricks – First-class composition, machine-made. Apply J.Hyslop, South Cobbinshaw, Auchengray. (Connected via J Hyslop?)
Below – 1893 – South Cobbinshaw Brickworks, West Calder.