Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road, Glasgow. (Note – SBH – A Robert Johnston operated the Craigton Brickworks and the Netherfield Brickworks around the same time – were they one of the same person?).
31/03/1848 – Glasgow Herald – The remaining lots of the Estate of Craigton lying in the Parish of Govan and County of Lanark, part of the trust estate of the late Henry Ritchie, Esquire of Busbie possessed by John Snodgrass … Lot 2. Lying to the south of the railway and to the north of an Avenue between it and the property of Henry Dunlop, Esq., containing about 14 imperial Acres … on Lot 2d, there is a drain tilework, and abundance of good clay …
19/03/1849 – Glasgow Herald – The remaining lots of the Estate of Craigton lying in the Parish of Govan and County of Lanark, part of the trust estate of the late Henry Ritchie, Esquire of Busbie possessed by Mr Graham … Lot 2. Lying to the south of the railway and to the north of an Avenue between it and the property of Henry Dunlop, Esq., containing about 14 imperial Acres … on Lot 2d, there is a drain tilework, and abundance of good clay …
16/03/1850 – Glasgow Gazette – Notice. The subscriber on the 31st day of December 1845(?) ceased being a partner in a concern carried on by him and Mr Robert Cruickshanks, mason in Glasgow, under the firm of Johnston, Cruickshanks and Company, brickmakers in Glasgow. After which date the subscriber carried, and still carries, on as business as a brickmaker in his own name. Robert Johnston. Glasgow 12th March 1850 … (Note – SBH – This Robert Johnston may or may not be the same person that operated wither the Craigton or Netherfield Brickworks or indeed both).
17/12/1856 – Glasgow Herald – To builders. In consequence of having given up business the stock of bricks on hand will be sold as follows. At Craigton Field, Paisley Road – Soft brick – 18s/1000. Hard brick – 20s/1000.
At Mossbank, Govan. Run of kiln – 17s/1000. Office W. M. Buchanan & Co, 56 Howard Street. (Note – SBH – I believe Walter Buchanan resided at Moss just a mile or so to the West of Craigton. He later became an MP for Glasgow).
Below – 16/01/1857 – Glasgow Herald – Machinery and plant for sale at Mossbank, Govan (Craigton Brickworks).

Below – 21/01/1857 – Glasgow Herald – Machinery and plant for sale at Craigton Brickworks.

Below – 1858 – Brickfield at Craigton.

1858 – 1859 – Robert Johnston – Brickmaker and builder. Works Craigton, Paisley Road. House 94 Alma Place, Glasgow. (p142).
29/01/1864 – Glasgow Herald – To brickmakers, builders &c. To be let. The freestone and clay in the Craigton kitchen grounds near Halfway House, Paisley Road. The freestone is of excellent quality and the tirring in the portion of the field to be let is proved to be only a few feet. The clay is of considerable depth and of good quality. Access to Paisley Road to the Cross Road to Govan, and to the Glasgow and Paisley Joint Line Railway can be conveniently obtained. Offers fixed rent or optional royalty to be made to Mr John Dennison, M. E., Haghill Cottage, Duke Street, up till 1st March 1864.
12/04/1864 – Glasgow Herald – On Sunday afternoon, at about three o’clock, a boy named William Henry, twelve years of age residing in Dale Street, Tradeston was accidentally drowned in a clay pit at Craigton Brickworks, Paisley. It appears, he undressed himself for the purpose of bathing, and while in the act of walking down the embankment he stumbled, rolled into the water and before assistance could be rendered he was drowned. The body was recovered about ten minutes afterwards and conveyed home.
03/08/1866 – Glasgow Herald – For sale at Craigton, first-class hand-made brick, also good fireclay. Can be ground and sent by railway. Apply to Mr Dennison, 1180 Frederick Street, Glasgow.
Below – 18/02/1867 – Glasgow Herald – bricks for sale at Craigton Brickfield.

24/03/1870 – Glasgow Herald – The brickfield presently occupied by Messrs A & T Bow at Craigton, with stove, kiln, pan mill, engine and boiler. The stock and plant can be had at valuation. Apply to Moore & Brown, CA, 28 St Vincent, Place, Glasgow.
26/03/1870 – Glasgow Evening Citizen – Scotch bankrupts – A. & T. Bow, Brickmakers and Builders, Craigton Brickworks, Renfrew, and Mrs Janet Thomson or Bow, brickmaker there, the only partner of said firm, as such and as an individual.
09/08/1870 – Edinburgh Gazette – I, Thomas Brown Junior, Accountant in Glasgow, trustee on the sequestrated estate of A. & T. Bow, brickmakers and builders, Craigton Brickworks, Renfrew, and Mrs Janet Thomson or Bow, brickmaker and builder there, the only partner of said firm, as such partner, and as an individual, hereby intimate that a first and final dividend will be paid to those creditors whose claims have been admitted by the trustee, within the Chambers of Thomas Brown, Jr., & Davies, Accountants here, on the 24th day of September 1870. Thos Brown, Jnr. Trustee. Glasgow, 135; Buchanan Street.
1871 – John Gardner & Co. were ‘lightning conductor manufacturers and fixers, and repairers of chimney stalks and church spires’. The firm was founded before 1867 by John Gardner (c. 1846–1897). He also had a brickmaking and building company, which eventually became Gardner & Shaw, moving to Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road West, around 1871. (Note – SBH – So where did they move from?). Gardner & Shaw erected new warehouses on the corner of Morrison Street and Paisley Road around 1876, probably part of the extensive Co-operative Wholesale Society complex there. In 1878, the brickfield began losing money, and the firm was declared bankrupt in 1881. Rather than face his creditors, Gardner absconded to South Africa, abandoning his wife and five children in Glasgow. When his six-year-old daughter died in 1884, the family noted her father as ‘deceased’. In fact, it was not until 1897 that Gardner died in a London hospital, having finally returned from Johannesburg.
14/03/1871 – Dundee Advertiser – Creditors of A. & T. Bow, brickmakers and builders, Craigton Brickworks, Renfrew will receive a dividend within the Chambers of Thomas Brown, junior & Davies, 135 Buchannan Street, Glasgow, 24th April.
07/05/1881 – Glasgow Herald – Yesterday Messrs Gardner & Shaw, brickmakers and builders, Blackburn Street, Paisley Road were examined in bankruptcy. Present – Mr James D. Kirkwood, accountant, trustee; Mr James Ness, law agent in the sequestration and Mr P. Nicol, accountant for the creditors. William Shaw deponed – I was a partner in the firm of Gardner & Shaw. We started about 14 years ago. Before that, there was another partner in the firm, which was then styled John Gardner &; Co. The firm of John Gardner & Co. paid. It was in Caledonia Road that we started as Gardner & Shaw. We had about £300 of capital, and I contributed about half of it. Mr Gardner looked after the books, but we kept no regular books until we started the brickfield, which was about two years after the firm of Gardner and Shaw began. These books have been kept ever since, and we have continued the brickfield ever since. I attended to the outside work, and have had nothing to do with the books. I never looked into the books at all. They were all along under the entire management of Mr Gardner. We first commenced to find ourselves in difficulties about three years ago. We had a hard job at that time to meet the men’s wages. The cause of our difficulties was too much speculation in property. Two years after starting the brickfield we went in for building property and selling it. We had about £700 a year clear off the brickfield alone, which gave us some cash to go into property speculation. About three years ago, when we commenced to find ourselves in difficulties, I overheard Mr Gardner say that we held £70,000 or £80,000 worth of property, less the bonds, feu-duties, &c. I overheard Mr Gardner saying to the cashier that these properties were depreciating £700 every half-year, and that had been going on for about three years. My information on this subject I got entirely from Mr Gardner. I did not look into the books. In the winter of 1878, we called our creditors together and came to an arrangement with them to pay them 4s 6d in the £1.
The heritable creditors did not rank, on the understanding that they would hold the properties in trust, and any reversion there was, was to go to us, after paying off all the debts in connection with the properties. There has been no reversion. Except to the extent of signing my name, I had nothing to do with the arrangement of the bonds over these properties. Mr Gardner arranged everything. Since the arrangement with our creditors, we have been carrying on the brickfield and doing contract work as before. Mr Gardner looking after the books and me doing the outside work. I know nothing about the details, so far as money matters are concerned since this arrangement was come to with our creditors. The composition was met by the cautioner. The brickfield has not been paying these last three years. The price of bricks came down to about £1 per thousand. We used to get 30s per thousand for them. There was one summer, too, the weather was not good for brickmaking, I cannot tell what loss there has been in connection with the brickfields. The contracts have not been paying either. We offered for jobs at a reasonable price, but could not get them. There was always some person below us, and we had to reduce the figure. We struggled on because we thought there would be a reversion someday off the heritable properties. I possess no information as to the state of the business except what I overheard Mr Gardner telling the cashier about it. Mr Gardner, I believe, has left the country. I heard from Mrs Gardner where he had gone to. He is on the road to South Africa. For about twelve years I drew £2 a week for household expenses, and we drew 10s each per week for travelling expenses. That was the amount of my household expenses till within the past two years, when the amount was increased. The books will tell how much was drawn out of the business. I could not tell the probable amounts I did not draw as much as Mr Gardner. I spoke to the cashier about balancing the books but I never saw a balance sheet. I have been told that a state of my affairs has been made up by Mr Kirkwood. It shows £955 2s 9d of assets and £5505 6s of debts, or a deficiency of £4550. I cannot account for the deficiency. All information as to that will require to be got from Mr Gardner and from the books, into which all transactions were entered. I will give the trustee all the information I can, and will assist him generally in the realising of my estate. By Mr Ritchie, a creditor – When we stopped payment in 1878 we owed Mr Stobo £1000. We . have not paid it to him so far as I am aware. So far as I understand, he became security for us for the 4s 6d. We had all our money in property and had not a penny to start with, so he said he would meet the composition for us to give us a chance, and I think he drew upon us for the amount, nearly £1000. Of course, it was expected that when the bills became due we would be able to reduce them, but he would not press us. That was the reason we struggled on. I could not say whether that £1000 is included in the £2000 he now claims. Mr King, a creditor – It is very strange that you being a partner did not look into the like of that. Bankrupt – That was the agreement when we started – that I was to have nothing to do with the books at all. Another creditor – You know perfectly well that Gardner got a loan of £30 from me to pay wages with on the Saturday, on the understanding that it was to be paid back on the following Monday. You know that? Bankrupt – Yes. The creditor – You also know that I gave Mr Gardner accommodation to the extent of £100. Bankrupt -Yes, by your telling me; or Mr Gardner might tell me, I suppose. By Mr Ritchie – It was by no arrangement with me that Mr Gardner went away. I cannot say whether he took any money away with him. I do not think he did. Mr Ritchie remarked that the bankrupt was evidently not disposed to tell them any more than he liked to. It was very singular that he, a partner, should know so little about the firm’s affairs. The Bankrupt replied that he was telling them all that he knew. This concluded the examination. On Monday first, the transcript of the shorthand writer’s notes of his deposition will be read to the bankrupt, and the statutory oath will be administered.
1882 – Gardner & Shaw, brickmakers, 179 Blackburn Street, Glasgow.
1882 – Gow and Stobo, brickmakers, 100 Blackburn Street, Paisley Road, Glasgow and Craigton Brickworks.
Below – 24/01/1883 – Glasgow Herald – Craigton Brickworks and stock for sale owing to the dissolution of the copartnery.

Below – 1886 – Craigton Brickfield.

12/06/1888 – Glasgow Evening Citizen – About half-past six o’clock this morning the dead body of a man was found floating in a pond at Craigton Brickfield, near Govan. It was that of person between 36 and 40 years of age, stout make, 6 feet in height, and dressed in rough blue and red-checked tweed suit. In the pockets were found two pay-tickets in name of ‘C. Brennan’ from the Steel Company of Scotland. Blochairn Works, there were also small note-book with the name written inside “C. Brennan, 9 River Street. Blochairn. Glasgow.” A sealskin purse containing 14s 1/2d was likewise found in one the pockets. The body was conveyed to the Fairfield Police Station, Govan, where it lies for identification.
06/07/1888 – Glasgow Herald – Child murder at Craigton Brickworks. Full write up regarding a trial of child murder. The child had been struck on the head with a brick and thrown down a well at Craigton Brickworks. Susan Winter or Winters, about 28 years old was indicted with murdering her illegitimate child Catherine Donaldson or Winters. She was subsequently found guilty of manslaughter after trial and sentenced to seven 7 years penal servitude.
14/05/1889 – Newcastle Evening Chronicle – Two women shot; suicide of the assailant. The usually quiet district of Craigton, a hamlet lying between the West end of Govan and Paisley Road, Glasgow, was yesterday afternoon thrown into a state of great excitement through a shooting affray which ended in the death of a man named Bradshaw, a woman named Heily being seriously wounded, and the wife of the former slightly injured. Yesterday forenoon William Bradshaw, fifty-one years of age, a coal dealer, residing at Craigton Brickfields, went to Govan, and his wife supposing he had gone out for a day’s drinking followed him in the afternoon. Between four and five o’clock the two set out for home, he being a little the worse of liquor, but quite able to walk. Getting within 400 yards of their house, Bradshaw, on passing Badhea Cottages, observed a woman named Mrs Heily, 30 years of age, wife of Patrick Heily, a red lead painter, sitting at her door chatting with a Mrs Rodgers. He went forward and drew Mrs Heily aside, and placing her next to his own wife, asked, ” What have you to say now?” Mrs Heily answered, ” I have nothing more to say.” whereupon Bradshaw exclaimed. “By God, I’ll do for you this time,” and immediately he drew a five-chambered revolver from his pocket and fired at Mrs Heily, the ball entering her left groin. He fired again when his wife put up her hand, and the ball passed between her fingers, slightly injuring her hand, but it missed the woman aimed at. It is said a third shot was fired. All this was witnessed by three women, who afterwards rendered what they could to the injured women. The police at Fairfield and Govan were communicated with, and also Dr Allan. The latter was quickly on the spot and succeeded in extracting the bullet from the injured woman. She was afterwards taken to the Western Infirmary in the Govan by ambulance waggon. Meanwhile, Bradshaw had walked coolly away home, his house being about 400 yards from the Badhea Cottages. By this time a number of constables, along with Lieut. McFadyan, Detectives Angus and McDonald, had arrived and proceeded to Bradshaw’s house. Here, where that second act, equally tragic, took place, a large crowd had assembled. The police endeavoured to gain admittance, but Bradshaw threatened to fire at the first man who came near, Eventually, he became less excited, and Detective Angus went forward to the door and tried to persuade him to give himself up quietly. The door all this while was only about six inches ajar, Bradshaw standing behind, again and again presenting the revolver at those standing around. He said he would not move a step till they brought his wife, as he wanted “to do for’ her,” too. At last be handed out a gill bottle whisky to Detective Angus, remarking, “Give y chums a dram and I’ll be with you.” No sooner had the detective taken the bottle than a shot was heard behind the door, and when pushed open Bradshaw was lying dead, the bullet having entered between his eyes. On the table in the kitchen a note was found bearing these words, “Eliza, please give my pipe to Sam,” written on pass-book paper. The pipe referred to was a favourite meerschaum, and Sam is a young man in the employment of the deceased. There are some indications that the tragedy, or something akin to it, was premeditated. It is stated that about a year ago Bradshaw, who was an old soldier and pensioner, told two of the Govan police that they would have a shooting case some of those days. The neighbours say that Bradshaw was angry at Mrs Heily because she refused to speak to him in the morning. To all appearance, the revolver was not a new one, and when found at the side of the suicide had one cartridge remaining, the other four having been discharged. Deceased has been twice married and had large families, there being now seven, left in the house aged from 4 to 14 years.
04/03/1893 – Dundee Courier – New joint-stock company. Craigton Brickmaking Co. This company has been formed to purchase the business and take the lease of the clay in and under the lands of Craigton belonging to Messrs John Henderson and Son, brickmakers, Craigton, Paisley Road (West) Glasgow and to carry on the business of brick and tile makers, quarry masters &c. Capital £5000 in £1 shares. Registered office 173 St Vincent Street, Glasgow.
30/03/1893 – Glasgow Herald – Cornish boiler for sale. 20 by 5 1/2. Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road.
1893 – 1894 – Craigton Brickmaking Co. Ltd.; Works, Craigton, Paisley Road; Office, General Terminus, Paisley Road Toll.
Below – 1895 – Craigton Brickworks.

1895 – 1896 – Craigton Brickmaking Co Ltd, Govan. Works, Craigton, Paisley Road, Glasgow.
1896 – 1897 – Craigton Brickmaking Co Ltd, Govan. Works, Craigton, Paisley Road, Glasgow.
30/10/1897 and 31/10/1897 – Glasgow Herald – New company – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited, has been formed for the purpose of acquiring (first) the going brickworks on the Estate of Craigton, Paisley Road, Glasgow as carried on by the Craigton Brickmaking Company Limited with the whole buildings, plant, machinery, stock and goodwill of the business, and (second) the lands of Craigton, upon the part of which the brickworks are situated, extending to about 41 acres, 3 roods and 12 poles, having a frontage of about 1600 feet to the Paisley Road and facing to the South the Bellahouston Public Park, recently acquired by the Corporation of Glasgow. The books of the brickmaking company have been examined for 2 1/2 years by Messrs Mitchell & Smith, C. A., Glasgow and they certify that the profits have been equal to an average of £1940 per annum. Information bearing on the feuing prospects and expert reports regarding the brickfield will be found in the prospectus. The lists open on Monday 1st November. The capital is £25,000 in £1 shares and the subscribers are A. Logan, coal merchant, Paisley; R. A. Peacock, baker, Pollokshiels; R. D. Smith, Chartered Accountant; J. Henderson jun, mineral boring prospector; P. McBride, contractor; Nicol F. Cameron, solicitor – all in Glasgow and John Hope, bank agent, Port – Glasgow.
14/01/1899 – Dundee Courier – Sequestrations. Angus Gow, sometime builder in Glasgow, and now residing Craigton Road, Govan, a partner of the dissolved firm of & Stobo, builders, Glasgow.
17/10/1899 – Edinburgh Gazette – Craigton Brickmaking Co Ltd in liquidation. Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the members of the above-named Company will be held within the Office of The Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited, Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road, Govan, on Tuesday the 21st day of November 1899, at three o’clock afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation
that may be given by the Liquidator. Nicol F Cameron, Liquidator. Glasgow, 16th October 1899.
30/03/1901 – Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser – Sale of brickmaking plant machinery, new bricks and buildings at Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road, Govan on Tuesday 4th April 1901 at 11. Shirlaw, Allan & Co beg to intimate instructions from Messrs The Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Co Ltd, in consequence of ground being cleared for feuing purposes, to sell by auction as follows:- 2 horizontal steam engines, 2in” by 4ft and 7in by 15in; Double flued Lancashire steam boiler, 28ft by 7 1/2ft with mountings; 2 brick making machines by Wilkinson Alexander & Co, London, output 16,000 per day; 2 Johnston’s patent wire cut oscillating tables; 6ft portable pug mill; 2 clay mixers; 6 Side tip clay bogies; 3″ Tango? steam pup; No 6 Palsometer pump; Boiler tank; M 1 tubing, C 1 pipes; Haulage and belt pullies; Shafting; 15 tons railway; F. B. and tram rails; Office furniture. Also about 850,000 new common red clay bricks 9in by 4 1/2in by 3 3/4in; Building material of 10 drying stoves; 7 cased kilns; mill shed; Engine houses; Office; Chimney stalks; Boiler seat &c. The works are situated close to the Car Line and about a 10-minute walk from the Ibrox Station (Joint Line). Halfway cars from the city pass the works frequently. Catalogue from the auctioneers. Hamilton, 8th March 1901.
1901 – Directory of Clay Workers – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited, 14 Govan Road, and Craigton Works, Govan, Glasgow.
1903 – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited. Nicol F. Cameron, Sec, brickmakers and contractors. Office 135 Buchannan Street, Glasgow.
31/07/1903 – The Scotsman – New buildings in Glasgow. At a sitting of Glasgow Dean of Guild Court yesterday, the following linings were granted: The Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company (Limited), to form a street between Ell Road and Craigton Road …
1907 – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited, brickmakers. Office 135 Buchannan Street, Glasgow.
1911 – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited. Office 135 Buchannan Street, Glasgow.
1911 – The Brickworks are now labelled as Craigton Engineering Works on this map.
Craigton Brickworks – quick timeline
Craigton Brickworks, Paisley Road, Govan, Glasgow.
Pre 1856, the brickworks at Craigton commenced. In 1856 Walter Buchanan gives up his business of brick making. The stock bricks will be sold at Craigton Field, Paisley Road.
c.1857 – Robert Johnston was manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
c.1867 – Messrs A & T Bow are manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
c. 1871 – Gardner and Shaw are manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
c.1881 – Gow and Stobo are manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
Pre-1893 – John Henderson was manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
1893 – Craigton Brickmaking Co. Ltd is manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
1897 – Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited re manufacturing bricks at Craigton.
Pre 1911 – The Craigton Brickworks are believed to be disused.
It is always nice to find the full history of a brickworks as per above although I concede that they may well have been other operators of these works in addition to those listed above.
What is even more satisfying is to be able to associate all of these individuals or companies with their brick products.
The bricks below are detailed as follows.
1. Buchanan (Stamped ‘Patent’ to the rear).
2. R Johnston.
3. A & T Bow, Glasgow (This company had several brickworks in the Glasgow area but they always appear to have used this stamp format).
4. Patent, Gardner & Shaw, Craigton, Glasgow.
5. Patent, Gow & Stobo, Craigton.
6. Patent, J Henderson & Son, Craigton.
7. Craigton Brickmaking Co Ld, Paisley Road.
8. Craigton which was the stamp potentially being used by the Craigton Brickmaking and Feuing Company Limited up until closure.








Below – This may also be a Craigton Brickmaking Company brick.