Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill, Dalkeith, Midlothian | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill, Dalkeith, Midlothian

Edmonstone Brickworks, Millerhill, Edinburgh possibly also known as the Wellington Brick and Tile Works or the Millerhill Fire Brickworks.


Below – 17/05/1851 – Edinburgh Evening Courant – Edmonstone Colliery Fire Brickwork commences. Manager William Logan.

1852 – Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland – Collection of articles in fire clay from the works of John Wauchope Esq, of Edmonstone consisting of vases, pedestals, chimney tops etc, of very elegant designs. Particular attention was drawn to a fire clay oven for kitchens, handsomely mounted with a metal doot etc.

Below – 1852 – 1853 – Edmonstone Colliery – 2 sites. It is likely the brickworks were incorporated as part of one of these sites. Most likely the Wellington Pit site. An advert below says the brickworks ‘have rails into the works’ which from the map below would suggest they were situated at the Wellington Pit.

1854 – 1855 – Edmonstone Coal and Fire Brickworks. St Leonards Depot.

1854 – 1855 – Edmonstone Coal and Fire Brickworks. Edinburgh. Office, St Leonard’s Depot, Edinburgh. A regular supply of Edmonstone Coal can be had as above, or delivered in any part of Edinburgh. Also fireproof  Chimney Cans, Flower Vases, Fire-Brick, Fire-Brick Pavement. Orders sent to Andrew Gray, Proprietors’ Agent, will meet with prompt attention.

11/08/1854 – Elgin Courier – The Highland Society’s Show – Held in Berwick  … The following collected numerous groups of spectators … an exhibition by Mr Wauchope of Edmonstone of a collection of chimney cans, flower vases, pedestals for vases, hearth cheeks and other articles made of fire clay at the Edmonstone colliery.

09/08/1854 – North British Agriculturalist – The Highland Society’s Show – Held in Berwick … There appeared a meagre display of everything connected with drainage. One pipe and tile making machine, and some specimens of draining pipes, comprised the whole of this group; but the clay department was well relieved by a profuse exhibition of fire-clay manufacture, consisting of many elegant designs in vases, columns, pedestals, and chimney tops, besides a great variety of the useful in fireclay, such as bricks of all kinds, furnace blocks, &c., the whole from the manufactory of John Wauchope, Esq. of Edmonstone.

Below – 1855 – 1856 – Advert for Edmonstone Coal & Fire Brickworks. and similar 1855 – 1856.

1855 – 1856 – William Logan, Manager. Edmonstone Colliery and Fire Brickworks, Dalkeith.

14/08/1856 – Stonehaven Journal – Highland and Agricultural Society’s Show at Inverness – Wednesday 6th. – Among other articles on the ground in which interest was shown were … flower vases, ornamental chimney cans, encaustic tiling and fire clay flooring from Edmonston near Dalkeith.

Below – 1857 – 1858 – Advert for Edmonstone Coal & Fire Brickworks. John Gallie, manager.

Below – 1857 – 1858 – Edmonstone Coal and Fire Brick Depot. Alex Russell, agent.

22/05/1858 – Aberdeen Herald and General Advertiser  – Salt-glazed fire clay water pipes – Fire clay glazed sewerage and water pipes are now to be had at the Edmonstone Brickworks; also fire brick, pavement, vent linings, chimney cans etc, all of a superior quality and at reduced prices. Edmonstone Coal and Brickworks, Millarhill by Dalkeith.

23/07/1860 – The Scotsman – Salt-glazed fire clay sewerage and water pipes. The Edmonstone Coal Co is now manufacturing the above pipes of all sizes and of first-rate quality at very moderate prices. Inspection invited. The works are situated within a 3-minute walk of Millerhill Station, N.B. Railway.Depots St Leonards, Edinburgh and Sands, Leith. Edmonstone Colliery, Millerhill, near Dalkeith.

01/09/1860 – The Scotsman – Prize medal – Highland and Agricultural Society’s show at Dumfries 1860 – The Edmonstone Coal Company were awarded the medal for their salt-glazed fire clay sewerage and water pipes and which are to be had at their depots, St Leonards, Edinburgh and Sands, Leith. Prices are very moderate. Coals for shipment at Leith or Fisherrow at reduced rates. Edmonstone Coal and Fire Brickworks,  Millerhill by Dalkeith.

03/12/1860 – The Scotsman – Fire Clay Sewerage Pipes – The Edmonstone Coal Co is now in a position to supply the above glazed and unglazed pipes and other fire clay articles on the most reasonable terms. Coal for shipment at Leith and Fisherrow. Edmonstone Coal and Fire Clay Works, Millerhill near Dalkeith.

21/03/1861 – Southern Reporter – Fatal Accident – On Wednesday, a lad about 16 years of age named Robert Davie, was working about the flywheel of an engine at Edmonstone brickwork, when it is supposed from the steam not having been properly turned off, the wheel began to revolve and struck the lad a blow to the head, which killed him instantaneously.

01/08/1861 – Edinburgh Evening Courant – Highland and Agricultural Society Show at Perth.

Pipe or Tile Machine for hand or power, eight sovereigns, George Finlayson, Gighty Burn, Arbroath; …

Tiles or pipes for field drainage. Two sovereigns – Christie & Son, Shore Road, Stirling. 2d. Bronze medal – Alexander Meldrum, Seafield Tileworks, St Andrews.

Glazed socketed pipes for sewerage, three sovereigns John Robson 47 Cook Street, Glasgow, 2d Bronze medal, Robert Brown, Ferguslie Fire Clay Works, Paisley. Commended Edmonstone Coal Co, Dalkeith.

Feeding troughs for byres, One sovereign John Robson 47 Cook Street, Glasgow, 2d Bronze medal, Robert Brown, Ferguslie Fire Clay Works, Paisley

Extra implements machines etc – Highly commended – Collection of vases, paving bricks, horse manger, pig trough and milk cooler – John Robson.

26/08/1861 – The Scotsman – Pressed common and composition bricks of first-rate quality to be had at Edmonstone Brickworks and depots. St Leonards and Leith at 28s per 1000

Below – 26/08/1861 – The Scotsman – Reduction in price. Fire clay glazed sewerage pipes. The Edmonstone Coal Company holders of several medals and high commendations by the Highland and Agricultural Society for pipes and other fire clay articles have always on hand a large stock; also pressed and unpressed common bricks at greatly reduced prices. Inspection invited. Edmonstone Fire clay works, Millerhill Station, N.B Railway.

1862 – Edmonstone Colliery and Brickworks – Millerhill, Edinburgh. James M Ferrie – Manager (Page 94).

10/07/1862 – Edinburgh Evening Courant – Edmonstone Colliery and Fire Brickwork – Mr Ferrie having ceased to be the manager of the above-named establishment, it is requested that all communications may be addressed to a Mr A Dickson. Edmonstone Colliery and Brickworks, Millerhill, Dalkeith 07/07/1862.

Below – 14/03/1863 – Edmonstone Brickworks for let. Situated at the Millerhill Station of the North British Railway … (same advert 21/02/1863)

16/03/1863 – Dundee Advertiser – The whole of the steam engines and other colliery plant used in the extensive coal fields belonging to Sir John Don Wauchope of Edmonstone near Edinburgh comprising … 1 brick kiln 33 x 11 x 12 feet


03/04/1863 – Caledonian Mercury – Extensive sale of Colliery Plant – the whole of the steam engines and other colliery plant used in the extensive coal fields belonging to Sir John Don Wauchope of Edmonstone near Edinburgh comprising of … 1 brick kiln 39 x 11 x 12.

11/06/1863 – Southern Reporter – Extensive sale of glazed sewage pipes etc at the Wellington Brick and Tile Work.  Sir John Don Wauchope having let his brickworks and being anxious to clear off his stock of pipes, to make room for his tenant, has instructed me to offer for Public Competition (without the slightest reserve) on Monday, the 15th June 1863, the following, viz. :-

About 2700 8-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
1700     5-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
  850     6-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
  400     9-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
  850    12-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
  150    15-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
  420      4-inch glazed pipes, bends and branches.
About 750 plain and ornamental chimney cans, from 2 to 3 feet, 60 chimney can capes, 250 ornamental vases, of various sizes. 40 gas stoves, large and small. A lot of balustrade rails. About 270 12-inch vent linings, 200 10-inch vent linings, 120 15-inch vent linings. 12 gas retorts and resets. 8 ovens. With an immense quantity of fire bricks, side arch fire bricks, composition and press bricks, Kinnaird bricks and floor covers. Sale to commence at Eleven o’clock A.M. Thomas Dods, Auctioneer, The train which leaves Peebles at 8.50 o’clock on the morning of the 15th June will stop at Millerhill.  The Wellington Brickwork is close to the Millerhill Station of the Edinburgh and Hawick Railway. Dalkeith, 21st May 1863.


29/04/1865 – Edmonstone Estate Rental Book no 2 – Lease start date. William Brown. Included is the ground occupied by the brickwork at Millerhill with houses, sheds, machinery and utensils and Wellington House and Garden.

29/09/1865 – Glasgow Morning Journal – Steam boiler wanted – about 30 feet long. Apply Mr W Brown, Edmonstone Fire Brickwork, Dalkeith.

1868 – William Brown, Edmonstone Brickworks, Millerhill, Edinburgh.

27/05/1868 – To brickmakers – Wanted at Edmonstone Brickwork, Dalkeith, a person to set and burn bricks by contract.

1869 – Edmonstone, Niddry and Woolmet, Dalkeith. Owner J & C Grieve.

21/07/1869 – The Scotsman – General Notice – I pay William Comrie his wages daily. William Brown, Edmonstone Brickwork, Millerhill, Dalkeith.

26/07/1869 – The Scotsman – Pipes (sewerage), vent linings, chimney cans etc reduced in price 25 per cent. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works by Dalkeith.

24/11/1869 – The Scotsman – Joiner or Millwright wanted. Constant employment. 20s per week. Apply personally Edmonstone Brickwork, Millerhill.

28/04/1870 – The Scotsman – Joiner or Millwright wanted. Apply personally Edmonstone Brickwork, Millerhill.

Below – 15/06/1870 – Peterhead Sentinel and General Advertiser for Buchan District – Price list for salt-glazed pipes manufactured by the Edmonstone Fire Clay Works. William Brown.

19/11/1870 – Brickmakers wanted – Apply Edmonstone Fire Brickworks, Millerhill, Dalkeith.

1870 – 1871 – Wm Brown, Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill. House Wellington House, Dalkeith.

02/03/1871 – Glasgow Herald – Brick and Pipe makers wanted at Millerhill Fire Brick Works, Dalkeith. (Could this be the old Wellington Fire Brick Works or Edmonstone Fire Brick Works or is it indeed its own namesake).

22/03/1871 – Wanted (old) wood from 9 inches to 12 inches square. Edmonstone Brickworks, Dalkeith.

30/08/1871 – The Scotsman – Articles for sale – Pipes (sewerage) cattle troughs, vent linings, flower vases, rustic etc. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill.

05/10/1871 – Stonehaven Journal – Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, near Dalkeith, are convenient for shipment at Fisherrow, Leith and Granton. Having rails into the works can send off goods by rail on the shortest notice. The yearly increase of the works speaks for the cheapness and quality of the articles manufactured. William Brown.

23/03/1872 – The Scotsman – Bricks comp at 27s 6d per 1000. Sent to any railway station. Leith or Edinburgh. Edmonston Brickworks, Dalkeith.

05/09/1872 – Millwright wanted for wood or iron. To a steady man, constant employment. Edmonstone Brickworks, Millerhill, Dalkeith.

31/05/1873 – The Scotsman – Canmakers and pipe makers wanted. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill.

16/10/1873 – The Scotsman – Millwright wanted, 26s per week. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill by Dalkeith.

27/02/1875 – The Scotsman – Labourers wanted. Edmonstone brickwork, Millerhill.

12/05/1875 – Dundee Courier – Engineman wanted, Brickwork Milleshill (Millerhill?) and a Millwright wanted at 28s per 56 hours Brickwork Milleshill (Millerhill?).

17/05/1875 – Glasgow Herald – Engineman and canmaker wanted. Millershill Brickwork.

20/09/1875 – The Scotsman – Colliers – a few good labourers wanted. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill.

02/10/1875 – Dundee Courier – Labourers wanted. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill.

11/12/1875 – The Scotsman – Bricks (composition), fire bricks, sewerage pipes, and cattle feeding trough. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill near Dalkeith.

18/10/1875 – Dundee Courier – Millwright wanted for wood or iron. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill near Dalkeith.

25/12/1875 – Dundee Courier – Blacksmith wanted who can make himself useful at fitting etc. Edmonstone Brickwork, Millerfield. (Millerhill?)

26/02/1876 – The Scotsman – Turner and Fitter – None but a steady man need apply. 28s per week. Apply personally Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill Station.

08/03/1876 – The Scotsman – Pipemaker wanted on contract for making pipes ready for the kiln. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill

06/05/1876 – Dundee Courier – Burners (two) wanted for common clay composition and fire clay – Apply Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Dalkeith.

27/05/1876 – Glasgow Herald – Iron turner and fitter wanted – Need not apply unless personally. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill Station, Dalkeith Railway.

09/09/1876 – Dundee Courier – Millwright wanted who can make wheel patterns. Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Dalkeith.

Below – 08/12/1876 – Banffshire Reporter – Advert for William Brown. He has left Edmonstone Fireclay Works and leased the Newbattle Fireclay Works and Common Clay Works. He has also added an iron foundry.

17/10/1878 – The Scotsman – Man wanted that can make himself generally useful in repairing machinery to assist for a few weeks. Fireclay Works, Millerhill.

1880 – Edmonstone Estate Rental Book no 2 – New lease start date. 21 years until 1901. H & R Rigg. Included is the ground occupied by the brickwork at Millerhill with houses, sheds, machinery and utensils and Wellington House and Garden.

08/03/1880 – H & Rigg & Company take over Edmonstones Fire Clay Works

08/10/1884 – Glasgow Herald – 1884 – H & R Rigg &  Company carrying on business as coalmasters, bricklaying contractors, and fire clay goods manufacturers at Edmonstone Coal and Fireclay Works, Millerhill as a Company and Hugh Rigg, Edmonstone Fire Clay Works, Millerhill, Robert Rigg, Hawthorn Bank, Bonnyrigg, Alexander Rigg, Cairnie, Inveresk, Thomas Rigg Edmonstone Coal and Fireclay Works, Millerhill and James Roxburgh, 7 Southfield Place, Portobello, the sole individual partners of said firm, as such partners and as individuals. Creditors to meet in Dowell’s Rooms, Edinburgh 17th October at two o’clock – Campbell & Somerveil, W.S, 51 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, Agents.

19/11/1884 – Glasgow Herald – Edinburgh bankruptcy court – H & R. Rigg & Company, of the Edmonstones Fire Clay Works, Millerhill, near Dalkeith, appeared for the examination in bankruptcy at the Edinburgh Bankruptcy Court, before Sheriff Rutherford. Hugh Rigg, the senior partner, deponed that he began business at Millerhill on 08/03/1880. Before that time he had been the manager of the Polton Coal Company’s pits at Polton for about 15 years. He started in life as a coal miner but subsequently contracted for sinking pits and output of coal. When the company was started he had saved about £900, and when the Polton Collieries and Brickworks were sold he should have got £1400 of the price realised, which was £14,000. He bought 100 shares in the new limited company and afterwards purchased 10 shares. Mr Eaglesham, who had been a partner in the brickwork business, furnished him with money to pay for the shares to the extent of £800 which he was due bankrupt on the sale of the brickwork. The shares, he thought, were in payment of the brickwork. The only cash payment in connection with the sale of the brickwork which he and his two brothers received from Mr Eaglesham was £382. That would be in 1882. He considered that Mr Eaglesham was due them £269. The state of affairs as submitted by bankrupts showed liabilities to be £4072 3s 10d, and assets £3021 0s 1d, leaving a deficiency of £451 3s 9d. The examination was adjourned.

Below – 21/01/1885 – Glasgow Herald – Edmonstone Brickworks to let.

Below- 13/11/1886 – The Scotsman – Engines, boilers and fireclay goods for sale at Edmonstone Brickworks.

11/08/1887 – Dalkeith Advertiser –  … Several public works in the neighbourhood have now ceased to exist – among others, the Dalkeith Coal and Brickwork, Westfield Iron Works and Millerhill Brickworks …

Below – By 1893 the Edmonstone Collieries have disappeared. The Edmonstone Iron Works sits to the SW of the old Wellington Pit.

Below – Edmonstone Patent – this brick has been stamped on both sides with Edmonstone patent but then both sides have been over-stamped in the opposite direction with the same wording but of a different font. Found by Ian Suddaby in the Portobello area.



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