Etna | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry


Found at Sanquhar.

Undersized building brick.

Etna Brickworks, Armadale, West Lothian.

Alternative brickworks include:

  • West Works, Armadale, West Lothian.


Below – Virtually the same stamp on a very deep frog. Found at the Etna Brickworks, Bathville.

Below – The same stamp on a frog of a variant depth. Found by Andrew Gemmell in the Milngavie, Glasgow area.

Below – The same stamp on a frog of a variant depth. Found in the foundation of a 19th-century greenhouse, Hartrigge, Jedburgh, Scottish Borders.

Below – Again a very similar stamp but it has been stamped to the top of the frog. Found on the site of old Etna Brick Works, Bathville.

Below – The same stamp but with an unusual circular mark to the centre. The spacing between the letters is slightly irregular too. Found at the Etna Brickworks site.

Below – The same stamp but in reverse. Found at the Etna Brickworks site.

Below – This is the same brick as above but by turning the brick 180 deg, this may show a different stamp error. I do not know which is the ‘correct’ error but I suspect the one above … maybe!

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