Fallsidehill Brick and Tile Works, Near Hume, Scottish Borders.
Very little remains of the tile works once situated about 1km north of Fallsidehill farmsteading. The site was in operation at the time the first edition of the Ordnance Survey 6-inch map was surveyed in 1862 but was disused by the time the second edition map was surveyed in 1897. Many of its buildings were already roofless by this time.
A survey carried out in 1978 highlighted the presence of a long earthwork, about 1m high. This had been a kiln, built from stone and lined with brick, which was clearly visible on the first edition map. Other features shown in 1862 included an area of clay mining and a short tramway with an engine house. In 1978 it was noted that pieces of drain tiles could be seen across the site.
Throughout the nineteenth century, there was a great drive towards further improvement of the land and greater output from Scotland’s farms. The production of tiles, especially drain tiles, were closely linked to this impetus for change as landowners sought to bring more marginal land into cultivation.
Below – 1858 – Fallside Brick and Tile Works, Hume

1867 – John Tully, brickmaker, Harcarse, Fogo, Berwickshire.
Below – 10/10/1867 – Southern Reporter – Death of Robert Tulley, son of Andrew from Fawcet Hill Tileworks, Greenlaw (Believed to be Fallside Hill).

03/07/1868 – Kelso Chronicle – Serious accident – last Monday afternoon a son of Mr Tully of Falsidehill Tile Works was engaged with some trucks at Gordon Railway Station, he slipped his footing and fell heavily to the ground, his left side first coming forcibly in contact with one of the buffers. He was much stunned and several ribs were broken.
08/11/1870 – Berwickshire News and General Advertiser – Andrew Tulley, Faside Tileworks was fined 6s or two days imprisonment for not having his name painted on a cart which he had been publicly using.
09/04/1874 – Southern Reporter – Death – At Hume on 1st inst, Mr John Tully, tenant, Fallsidehill Tileworks, aged 68 years.
1896 – John and William Tully – Brick & Tile Makers, Fallsidehill, Hume, Kelso.
1897 – William Tully, Tile Maker, Hume, Greenlaw.
Below – 1897 – Fallside Brick and Tile Works, Hume.

1906 – Map has the works as disused? This is confusing considering the next entry albeit the area may well have been known as the Tile Works for some time after its productive life finished.
02/02/1909 – Berwickshire News and General Advertiser – Death – At Fallsidehill Tileworks on 31/01/1909, John Tulley aged 69 years. Funeral on Wednesday 3rd inst. to Fogo Churchyard leaving Fallsidehill at noon. Friends omitted kindly accept this intimation and invitation.
Below – 2016 Google Satellite map view of Fallsidehill Brick and Tile Works, Scottish Borders