Gartcraig Scotland brick found in Massachusetts, USA | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Gartcraig Scotland brick found in Massachusetts, USA

This brick was found in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA by Larry Cormier. Larry states ” My family purchased a home in Waltham Massachusetts in 1961. I believe it was built in the early 1920s.  About 20 years ago we had some landscaping work done in the back yard and uncovered a brick walk. We left it uncovered and in place. It wasn’t until recently that I noticed that at least some of the bricks were embossed with the words Gartcraig Scotland so I did a little research and came upon your web site”

Larry also showed incredible generosity by repatriating this brick back to Scotland and it now forms a very central part of my collection. I am very grateful.


Below – Gartcraig Scotland – Gartcraig Fire Clay Works, by Millerston, Glasgow.


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