Gartcraig Scotland Gaskil
Found by Ian Suddaby at Clydebank, Glasgow.
This example is not in my possession.
Gartcraig Fire Clay Works, By Millerston, Glasgow.
(Note – SBH – I believe the stamp is Gaskil as opposed to Caskil. I believe Gaskil may refer to a ‘shortened’ version of Gas Kiln. This is only a theory and is, as yet, not backed up or condemned by any known literature but why shorten ‘Gas kiln’ by one letter!).
In 1881, James Dunnachie of Glenboig Brickworks, Scotland patented the continuous gas-fired kiln. It consisted of 2 rows of 5 or 6 chambers with transverse barrel arches interconnected with flues. A gas generator at one end of the chambers fed the gas down a central duct and into each chamber in turn. Combustion air heated by the cooling chambers was mixed with the producer gas to give a clean-burning oxidising atmosphere, before being exhausted between the green bricks ahead in the flue. Each chamber was more of a unit than in the Hoffman or Belgian kiln, perhaps giving better temperature control during the burning schedule, but the main advantage was the use of gas which gave a more oxidising atmosphere and more uniform heating. This design was sold to Harbison-Walker of the USA and to many other companies.