Gartliston Fire Brick Works PH brick found in Canada | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Gartliston Fire Brick Works PH brick found in Canada

This brick was found by Jeremy Lee in Newfoundland Canada.

The bricks formed a rough plinth covering a void of some description … well, cistern, septic tank?

Garnqueen Fireclay Works, Glenboig, Lanarkshire

Alternative brickworks include:

  • Gartliston Fireclay Works, Glenboig, Lanarkshire.
  • Building bricks at Garscadden Works, Drumchapel.

Below – Gartliston Fire Brick Works. The brick would also be stamped at either end of the frog P …. H for Peter Hurll.

Below – The Gartliston was found alongside a ‘Lucas’ fire brick from NE England.



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