Gladston Brick and Tile Works, Bishopton, Paisley, Renfrewshire. | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Gladston Brick and Tile Works, Bishopton, Paisley, Renfrewshire.

Gladston, Glastone, Gledstane.

See Alexander Whitelaw




1839 – Gladston Brickworks established? (See entry dated 17/02/1869 below).

1847 – Peter Brown started operating on the site? (See entry dated 14/01/1867 below).

1851 – 1852 – Peter Brown – Brick and Tile manufacturer, Gladston, Paisley.

24/07/1855 – Greenock Advertiser – … Leaving Bishopton we take a north-west course, and after passing Gladstone, come to a tilework of some extent, the property of Matthew Rodger, Esq. Rossland, whose beautiful mansion, with the grounds tastefully laid off, stands on the right of the rail, after you emerge from the tunnel. The number of these works throughout the country is evidence of the progress of agricultural improvement. The system of thorough drainage, by means of tiles, is now so extensively practised, that the immense quantities of these articles that are manufactured are not more than equal to the demand. Land that has been well-drained produces a more evenly and abundant crop, the pasture is sweeter, and the produce of the dairy is consequently enriched …

1856 – 1857 – ScotlandsPlaces – Peter Brown occupier. Consisting of sheds and other buildings used for tile Making etc. together with a brickfield.

Below – 1857 – Gladston Brick and Tile Works, Bishopton, Paisley.

1857 Glaston brick and tile works, Bishopton, Paisley

17/11/1860 – Paisley Herald – Property for sale. The Estate of Craigton and Caldside in the Parish of Erskine for sale … A plan of the lands showing the boundaries and extent of each lot can be seen on application to Mr Peter Brown, Gladston Brick and Tile Works, Bishopton …

21/09/1861 – Renfrewshire Independent – Paisley criminal court – W. Morrow, residing in Johnstone, was accused of having on the 12th August, stolen from the brick and tile works at Fullwood, occupied by Mr Peter Brown, two pieces of packsheet. The prisoner was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in Perth Penitentiary.

1862 – Gladstone Brickworks: Bishopton, Paisley: Peter Brown, tile manufacturer.

20/06/1863 – Glasgow Herald – Two separate portions of land for sale, parts of the Estates of Easter Rossland and Craigton in the immediate vicinity of Bishopton Station of the Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock Railway – for the erection of Country residences … Mr Brown, Brick and Tile Works, Bishopton will point out the lands …

1865 – 1866 – Peter Brown, brick and tile maker, Gladstone and Fullwood.

25/09/1866 – Edinburgh Gazette – Paisley, September 20, 1866. The concern carried on by the subscriber, sole partners thereof, as brick and tile manufacturers, Rossland, Bishopton, under the firm of Lusk, Thomson and Company, was this day dissolved of mutual consent. The subscriber Charles Lusk will hereafter carry on the business at the same place in his own name, by whom
the debts due to and by the dissolved firm will be uplifted and paid. Charles Lusk and John Thomson. (Note – SBH – this is a confusing entry as it appears from the address of Rossland, Bishopton that the brickworks should refer to the Gladstone site but Peter Brown seems to have been the lone manufacturer there over this period – for clarification but I have recorded the entry here meantime).

Below – 14/01/1867 – Glasgow Herald – Gladstone Brick and Tile Work to let. The works have been successfully carried on by Mr Brown for nearly 20 years.

28/12/1867 – Paisley Herald – Houston – Lamentable accident on the railway – Yesterday morning, a lad named William Reid, about 14 years of age, met with a serious accident at Houston railway station. He was in the employment of Mr Peter Bown, brick and tile maker, Bishopton, and was in the practice of loading tiles the station. At the time stated mineral train was being shunted at the Houston Station when Reid made an attempt to leap on the guard’s van while in motion, and in doing he missed his hold and fell before the wheels, some of which passed over his legs, mutilating and scattering them in a shocking manner. He was conveyed to the Paisley Infirmary, where Dr McLeod stated the injury to be a compound, comminuted fracture, and it was found necessary to amputate both legs below the knee. The poor lad was in a very a prostrate condition, and it is doubtful if he will recover.

1868 – R Rodger Gladstone Brickworks, Bishopton, Glasgow (Rodger – Manager?).

1868 – 1869 –  Peter Brown, Brick and Tile Maker, Gladstone near Linwood and Fullwood near Bishopton.

17/02/1869 – Glasgow Herald – For sale at valuation. A first-class brick and tile work (30 years established) with stock, engine, machinery, plant etc. 9 years of lease to run. Situated about 200 yards from the Bishopton Station and nearest Greenock of kind. A rare opening. Apply to Messrs Lang, 34 North Albion Street, Glasgow.

1878 – Archibald Brown, brick and tile maker, Bishopton, Renfrewshire. (Note – SBH – Possibly the same Archibald Brown that worked the Auchenheath brick and tile works c. 1903).

04/07/1891 – Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette – Reference to a tilework occupied by Mr Peter Brown, rental  £22.





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