Hallside Quarry and Terracotta Brick Company, Cambuslang, Glasgow | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Hallside Quarry and Terracotta Brick Company, Cambuslang, Glasgow

10/09/1904 – Dundee Courier – New joint stock companies. Hallside Quarry and Terracotta Brick Company, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow to acquire and carry on the business of Hallside Quarry Company. Capital £75,000.

16/09/1905 – Hamilton Herald – Claims from Cambuslang – The Hallside Quarry and Terracotta Brick Coy appealed against a valuation of £100, which had been placed upon their works at Hallside. They claimed that this entry ought not to appear on the roll. The Court, however, did not sustain that view and dismissed the appeal.

Below – 12/06/1907 – The Scotsman – Hallside Quarry and Terra Cotta Brick Co Ltd in liquidation.


Below – 1919 -The Economic Geology of the Central Coalfield of Scotland – Hallside Terracotta Works, Cambuslang, Glasgow, South Lanarkshire.


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