Ibrox Brickworks, Ibrox, Glasgow | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Ibrox Brickworks, Ibrox, Glasgow

1878 – Kennedy & Co, Brickmakers, Ibrox Brickworks, Ibrox, Glasgow.

Below – 08/05/1878 – Glasgow Herald – Ibrox Brickworks for sale.

30/05/1878 – Glasgow Herald – For sale about 150,000 new bricks, 18s per 1000 and 70,000 arch bricks at 19s per 10000, on the ground at Ibrox Brickworks, Ibrox. Man on the ground to give delivery. Apply to P McIntyre, 23 Graeme Street, off High Street.

10/06/1878 – Glasgow Herald – For sale, 60,000 new bricks, 18s per 1000 and 50,000 arch bricks at 19s per 1000 on the ground at Ibrox Brickworks, Ibrox. Man on the ground to give delivery. Apply to P McIntyre, 23 Graeme Street, off High Street.

Below – 1894 – Possible location of the works as denoted by the reference to an ‘old clay pit’. This clay pit is not detailed on the 1858 map.

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