James B Smith, Brickmaker, 12 Waterloo Road, Glasgow.
(Note – SBH – I am still not 100% convinced that James B Smith actually manufactured bricks. He may have solely been an agent. Waterloo Road is possibly one of the same as Waterloo Street, Glasgow and if so I don’t think there was any brick making activity going on there. Any information will be gratefully received)
1896 – 1897 – Jas B Smith, Brickmaker, 12 Waterloo Road, Glasgow and in the same year JB Smith are also agents for J Gregory & Co, Silica brick manufacturers, Deepcar nr Sheffield.
1902 – 1903 – Gregory, Reddish & Co., Ltd., Sole agents, J. B. Smith & Co., 12 Waterloo Street.
1905 – 1906 – Gregory, Reddish & Co., Ltd., Silica and Magneaite (Magnesite?) brick manufacturers, Deepcar, near Sheffield; Sole agents, J. B. Smith & Co., 53 Waterloo Street, Glasgow.
23/11/1907 – Falkirk Herald – New joint-stock company. Amongst the new joint-stock companies registered in Scotland this week appears the following:- James Dougall and Sons, Ltd., Works, Bonnybridge, capital £50,000, divided into 20,000 preference and 30,000 ordinary shares of £1 each – to enter into an agreement with George Wink Wight, C.A., Glasgow, the liquidator of the existing business of fire brick, etc., manufacturers, for the purchase of the property, effects, and undertaking of James Dougall and Sons, Ltd., and to carry it on. Signatories;- James C. Russell, D.D., 9 Coates Gardens, Edinburgh; Sir James B. Smith, Clifford Park, Stirling; Robert Dougall, brickmaker, Woodlea House, Bonnybridge; E. M. Stewart, brick manufacturer, 29 Randolph Road, Stirling; Edwin G. Smith, shipping agent, Clifford Park, Stirling; J. Paterson, writer, 45 West Nile Street, Glasgow; and James Andrew, writer, 160 West George Street, Glasgow. The first directors are – Rev. Dr Russell, Sir J. B. Smith, and Messrs Dougall, Smith, Stewart, and Paterson. (Note – SBH – Is this the same J B Smith?)
Below – 1923 – 1924 – Gregory, Reddish & Co., Ltd. – J. B. Smith & Co., 53 Waterloo Street, Glasgow.

1936 – Gregory, Reddish & Co., Ltd., Silica Brick Manfrs., Deepcar, near Sheffield; agents, J.B. Smith & Co., 53 Waterloo Street C.2.
1940 – 1941 – J. B. Smith & Co, 28 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow.