McRae’s Patent Regd No 18808 J & R Howie sole makers | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

McRae’s Patent Regd No 18808 J & R Howie sole makers

Found in a reclamation yard in Blackburn, Aberdeenshire.

J & R Howie, Hurlford Fireclay Works, Galston Road, Hurlford, Ayrshire.

McRae’s Patent Regd No 18808 J & R Howie sole makers.

I am informed that the patent/registration of this item dates from 1884.

1)  A Patent, originally a monopoly from the Crown and nowadays issued by the Patent Office, refers to function.
2)  A Registered Design, issued by the Designs Registry, refers to form (ie appearance).
3)  ‘Warranted’ just means guaranteed, and has no legal standing.





Below – A photo by Ian Suddaby showing the vents in situ on a roof.

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