Messrs Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd, Main Street, Coatbridge

Messrs Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd, Main Street, Coatbridge.

Clyde Tube Works, Main Street, Coatbridge.

Canmore – This building now appears to be a courthouse.


22/09/1906 – Coatbridge Leader – Messrs Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd. Description of new offices. Messrs Stewart and Lloyds Limited have just completed the erection of new offices at the corner of Main Street and East Stewart Street, and directly opposite their Clyde Tube Works. The building has a frontage to Main Street of about 90 feet, and to East Stewart Street of about 125 feet. It is a two-storey building, faced with special bricks made by Messrs Dewar & Findlay, Bargeddie. Blue, red, and buff bricks have been worked in to give a contrast with red and cream coloured stone at parts …

Below – Google street map. (Note – SBH – Are the buildings shown here the offices or the old Clyde Tube Works?).


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