Milton Brick & Tile Works, Carluke, South Lanarkshire | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Milton Brick & Tile Works, Carluke, South Lanarkshire

Milton Brick & Tile Works, Carluke, South Lanarkshire.

Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited appears to have operated from Milton Brickworks and were incorporated in 1937 with registered office at the works.

Final closure came with the voluntary liquidation of T B Gibson & Co Ltd t/a Milton Tileworks, Carluke on 14th August 1978.


Below – 1896 – Milton Brickworks.

27/11/1896 – Hamilton Herald – New Brickwork – Milton Brickwork – The new work built a few months ago by Mr John Agnew, Braidwood, for the manufacturing of composition bricks, is now in full swing. The work, which covers a good extent of ground, is situated in fine proximity to the Caledonian Railway, below Upper Shieldhills Farm, on the Milton Lockhart Estate. The sole manufacture is bricks and these are made from “blaes” – the work being situated beside one of the largest of the many “blaes hills” which abound in the Carluke district—the particular “hill” being the refuse of the huge pit owned and wrought many years ago by Messrs Merry and Cunninghame. The kiln is what is known as a “Hoffman,” and of English manufacture, can turn out about 20,000 bricks a day. The work employs a large number of hands. The building contractor of the work was Mr Cleghorn, Newmains.

22/12/1897 – Dundee Advertiser – Sequestrations – John Agnew, carrying on business as a brick manufacturer and coalmaster at 55 Bath Street, Glasgow and also at Carluke and Clelland – County Buildings, Glasgow 28th Dec at 11. Creditors meet in the office of Thomson, Jackson, Gourlay and Taylor C.A., 24 George Square, Glasgow 7th Jan at 12.

04/03/1899 – Dundee Advertiser – James Young and Sons Limited, Railway and Public Works contractors, Edinburgh … The firm holds leases of a large brickwork at Milton, Carluke …

16/09/1899 – The Scotsman – The affairs of James Young and Sons Limited – Meeting of shareholders … Mr McEwan of Messrs McEwan and Neil, C.A, Glasgow read an approximate statement of the affairs of James Young and Sons Limited, from which it appeared that the liabilities amounted to £61, 170 1s 10d, made up as follows … Milton Brickworks £116 1s 10d …

11/11/1899 – Dundee Advertiser – New Scottish joint-stock companies – Milton Brickworks Company, 112 Bath Street, Glasgow – To carry on the business of brickmaking in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. Capital £4000 in 4000 shares of £1 each.

1903 – R and J Gibson, Milton Brickworks, Carluke.

28/04/1906 – Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser – Shirlaw, Allan and Co, auctioneers and valuators, Hamilton will sell by auction at Milton Brickworks, Harvey Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow, brick making plant and buildings. (Note – SBH – This advert confuses me as I am not aware of a Milton Brickworks at Port Dundas – the address may refer to offices. I have added it here meantime until clarification is ascertained)

06/06/1908 – Carluke and Lanark Gazette – Wanted brick and tile burner; wages 25s per week and free house and coal. Apply by Monday to R & J Gibson, Milton Brick and Tile Works, Carluke.

Below – 19/09/1908 – Carluke and Lanark Gazette – Accident at Messrs R & J Gibson, Milton Brickworks – William Milligan injured.

21/11/1914 – Carluke and Lanark Gazette – The late Mr John Agnew – We regret to record the death of Mr John Agnew, which took place on Sunday morning last at ten minutes to five at Nellfield Lodge, Brentwood. Mr Agnew has been laid aside by illness for some weeks back, and his death was not unexpected to his family and relatives. He was 62 years of age and was a native of Cleland. At an early age, Mr Agnew showed managing abilities and when he was 21 years of age he was given charge of brickworks in Carluke parish. He afterwards acquired an interest in the brickworks at Cleland, which he carried on for several years. Later he became a partner in the Airdrie and Ravenshall Coal Coy. White connected with this company, Mr Agnew became acquainted with the valuable properties of the terra-cotta clay found at Nellfield (Braidwood) and Lee Estate (Lanark). He took a lease of the clay-field on Lee Estate and for many years it was worked by the Scottish Terra-cotta and Metallic Brick Coy Ltd, of which Mr Agnew was managing director. Later he became connected with the Nellfield Estates Coy., Ltd. The works of this Coy. are at Braidwood, and it was understood that the industry carried on was the preparation and manufacture of chemical manure, one of the ingredients used being leather parings. Mr Agnew was at one time connected with the carrying on of the Milton Brickwork and the Milton Pit, near Shieldhills. He was also connected with various other ventures. For a short term, he took an interest in public affairs, and was elected as a member of Carluke Parish Council, and sat as chairman in the Council. Of recent years his business ventures had led him into much litigation, which had a depressing effect on him. Some time ago he removed his residence from Carluke to the more secluded quiet of Nellfield Lodge, near Braidwood. The funeral which was a private one took place to Wilton Cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Much sympathy has been expressed for Mrs Agnew and the family in their great less.

13/02/1920 – Carluke and Lanark Gazette  – Contractors wanted to clean brick off stalk 120 feet high at Milton Works. Offers to be lodged by Wednesday 18th February – to Thomas Bryce, Secy, Rose Cottage Carluke.

01/04/1921 – Carluke and Lanark Gazette – Sudden death of Mr John Gibson, (69), Milton Bank – Knocked down by a cyclist … In early life, Mr Gibson was in the drapery business but in 1887 he became associated with his brother Thomas in the Whiteshaw Tilework and on his death, the business was carried on by Mr Gibson and his brother Richard. In 1896 they removed to Milton Tilework where a large business was carried on till his brothers’ death about 4 years ago (c. 1917), since when it has been conducted by Mr Gibson and his son Richard …

<1928 – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’  suggests that the works were operated by R and J Wilson prior to 1928 but I think this may be a typing error and should read R and J Gibson.

01/05/1937 – The Scotsman – New Scottish Companies –

  1. Ochiltree Tile Works Limited, Ochiltree, Cumnock. Private company to carry on the business of makers of drain pipes, bricks and other clay goods etc. Capital £5000 in £1 shares. Subscribers R.W. Martin, tile manufacturer, Midsands, Racecourse Road, Ayr and T.B. Gibson, tile manufacturer, Milton Bank, Carluke.
  2. T.B. Gibson and Company Limited, Milton Tile Works, Carluke. A private company with objects and subscribers as in previous company. Capital £10,000 in £1 shares.

1942 – 1943 – Gibson and Co Ltd, Brick and tile makers, Milton, Carluke.

Below – 1944 – 1967 – Milton Brick and Tile Works.

1961 – 1962 – A directory of British clay products and manufacturers – T. B. Gibson & Co, Milton Tileworks, Carluke, Lanark. Agricultural drain tiles.

Below –  06/04/1967 – Whiteshaw and Milton Tileworks, Carluke. T.B Gibson, Hugh T Martin, James L Blake, A L C Martin and John D Muir appear to be partners in the business.

Thomas B Gibson Whiteshaw Tile Works Carluke headed notepaper

1970s – The 1985 publication ‘A survey of Scottish brickmarks’  suggests that the works were operated by Carluke Clayware Ltd by this time.

14/08/1978 – Company liquidated.

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