Overseas brick manufacturers advertising for Scottish brickworkers | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Overseas brick manufacturers advertising for Scottish brickworkers

13/11/1840 – John O’ Groat Journal – A very interesting letter from Sydney, under date 6th June last, reached a few days ago. Its writer is a gentleman belonging to Caithness-shire, for some time settled in Sydney. As the information it contains can be relied on, we present our readers with the following extract – The following are the class of emigrants most requited by this colony, with their wages per week or per annum attached:- Stone-masons, 8s 6d (expecting 10s); brickmakers 10s, bricklayers 10s …

04/03/1841 – Perthshire Courier – Melbourne, Australia … A house you may put up in the same style in Scotland for £10 or £15, will draw from 12s to 15s per week rent. We have three newspapers published twice a week. The Colony is much in want of bricklayers and brickmakers, sawyers, house-carpenters, joiners, paling-fencers, farm servants, and shepherds. Brickmakers and sawyers can earn from £5 to £6 per week …

01/04/1882 – Dundee Advertiser – Brick burners and setters. Wanted one of each (young men) for a brickwork at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Passage paid. Apply with a certificate of character and ability to Wm. Gilmour, Pitfour Brick and Tile Works, Glencarse, near Perth. (Note – SBH – Does anyone know if there was a direct relationship between the Pitfour Brickworks and a brickworks in South Africa?).

09/02/1888 Glasgow Evening Citizen – To foremen of fire brickworks. Wanted a working foreman for a brickwork in China manufacturing fire bricks, drain pipes, red bricks, tiles &c. Applicants must understand perfectly the purpose of burning these and the glazing of the drain pipes &c. Only thoroughly qualified men need apply. Copies of testimonies and references to be addressed to 1967, Citizen Office.

17/03/1904 – Edinburgh Evening News – Canadian Brick Manufacturing Co. requires 40 men to sail about 9th April; wages 9s 4d to 12s 6d per day; board and lodging about 16s 8d per week; fare from Edinburgh, £8 2s, payable by men. Apply only Mackay Bros,  31 Hanover Street.

24/01/1908 – Linlithgowshire Gazette – I heard this week from one of our Scots abroad, who seems to be getting on all right, and keeping up the honour of the dear old country. I mean Mr Daniel Black, who went out to La Prairie, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, in the spring last year. Dan is engaged in a large brickfield, where twenty-two burners are employed, and an offer of 30 dols. being given as a prize by the employer to the burner who turned out the most bricks in a given time, the prize fell to the Armadale man and his neighbour. Good for Dan.

11/06/1934 – The Scotsman – Assistant manager wanted for silica brickworks in India. Applicant should have practical experience in manufacture and also a good technical training. Salary approximately £7 per week. Give full details in first letter. Address D 8 Scotsman.

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