Pencaitland Tileworks, Pencaitland, East Lothian | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Pencaitland Tileworks, Pencaitland, East Lothian


Pentcaitland Tileworks aka Winton Estate Tileworks, Pencaitland.

The following information is from Ian Suddaby  “Out for a walk on the Winton Estate at Pencaitland and there was an overgrown pile of bricks. Although none are stamped, these are perhaps the products of an unnamed tileworks, gin and brickfield which was around half a mile away and appears on the 1853 Ordnance Survey map.

By 1892, it’s gone from the maps. The bricks are extruded, poorly made and may well be seconds, destined only for use on the estate where they were made. There are large inclusions, vitrified stains/lumps, cracking and warping. Intended sizes are hard to gauge, but they’re about 8.5 inches by 4.25 inches by 2 inches. No certain products of this tileworks have ever been found but these may well be some”

Below – 1853 – Tileworks, Winton Estate, Pencaitland.

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