(Note – SBH – So where were the Robertson and Hillcoat brickworks situated at Gockston and Shortroods exactly located with regards to the Robert Brown Brickworks at Glockston and Shortroods?)
Below – 13/03/1875 – Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette – Gordon Robertson, brick builder, 7 Marshalls Lane, Paisley respectfully intimates to his friends and the public that he has taken into partnership Thos Hillcoat, foreman with Thomas McKaig for several years. The business will be carried on under the name of Robertson and Hillcoat … See also 03/07/1875

Below – 1877 – 1878 – Watsons Post Office Directory – Robertson and Hillcoat, brickmakers, Gockston and Shortroods Brickworks, Paisley.

01/10/1877 – Paisley Daily Express – Trial for breach of trust and embezzlement. A young man named Hughs, remitted from the Police Court, was charged in the Sheriff Court today with appropriating sums amounting to £12 11s 3d to his own use belonging to his employers, Robertson & Hillcoat, brickmakers at Gockston, by whom he was employed as clerk. The charge sheet set forth that he had been entrusted with £6 18s 3d to pay toll dues, and had also received various sums from builders in Paisley, amounting to the above total. The panel pleaded not guilty. The first witness called was George Robertson. He deponed that he had paid £6 18s 3d to the prisoner to and square toll dues at Inchinnan and Paisley West Bar. Hughes was away from the place, and came back on the Thursday night, and stayed till the end of the following week, when he left, and he had not seen him since. He gave him the £6 18s 3d the day before the Paisley Races, and several sums which he had collected were not accounted for. Cross-examined by Mr Barr, witness could not remember about there being balance sheets the time passing between himself and the accused. Thos. Hillcoat, the other partner, was present in the office when Mr Robertson gave prisoner £6 18s 3d to pay the toll dues. He afterwards ascertained that the prisoner had not paid these accounts. The prisoner was also entrusted to uplift outstanding accounts, Asked if receipt produced signed—“ Pro Robertson & Hillcoat, T. Hillcoat,” he denied that it was in his handwriting. It was like some of the prisoner’s writing. Cross-examined about the balance sheets which it was alleged that Hughes made up of his monies received and paid away, the witness remembered there being such sheets. He could not say whether they were in existence or not. He had not searched for them. Mr Barr stated to his Lordship that had cited the partners to produce the sheets, and also a time-book. Neither of these were forthcoming, and he moved his Lordship to delay the trial until the book was produced. His Lordship thought the witness could be examined just now. Witness, on being examined, could not remember that there were any entries in his time book of payments of money by the prisoner. (Trial proceeding).
25/01/1879 – Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette – Infirmary.— The treasurer gratefully acknowledges receipt of the following sums : Workers of Robertson & Hillcoat, brickmakers, £1 5s.
05/12/1885 – Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette – Paisley bankruptcy court. Examination of a local brickmaker – On Thursday, George Robertson, brickmaker, builder, contractor, and china merchant, Paisley, was examined in bankruptcy before Sheriff Cowan. In his deposition he stated that he began a business as a brickmaker and builder about ten years ago, having at that time capital of £100. He was successful for about three years, when, finding himself in difficulties, he consulted his creditors and obtained a settlement by paying a composition of 3s. per £1. He began as a china merchant about two years ago, at which time he considered himself in a solvent position. That business, however, did not pay. He was then questioned as to accounts in his ledger against his father-in-law, and at the request of the trustee, who did not consider the answers consistent with the state of affairs, the Sheriff adjourned the diet of examination.
1886 – George Robertson, brick and drain, tile maker, 51 High Street, Paisley.