S L Merchant Company, New York, USA | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

S L Merchant Company, New York, USA

J & M Craig, Perceton Fireclay Works, Dreghorn, Ayrshire supplied firebricks to S L Merchant Company of New York, Philadelphia and Boston.

Below – 1871 – S.L. Merchant Co, New York, USA (page 567) – Cowens, Stourbridge and Craigs fire bricks.

s.l merchant craigs fire bricks

Below  – 1872  – S.L. Merchant Co, New York, USA (page 328).

S.L Merchant scotch fire brick

Below – 1894 – S.L. Merchant Co, New York, USA.

S.L Merchant and Co New York


sl merchant (640x365)


s.l merchant (640x365)

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