Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited, Carluke, South Lanarkshire | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited, Carluke, South Lanarkshire

Found at Castlehill Iron Works Carluke.

Milton Brick & Tile Works, Carluke, Lanarkshire. – Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited, Carluke, South Lanarkshire.

It is likely the products below were used as internal heating ducts or for building lightweight internal walls.

They were found in a large pile and consisted of  2 or 3 chambered units.

The outside of each was ribbed to aid cement adherence.

They did not bear a brick mark.

clay heating ducts? found Castlehill Carluke and believed to be a product of Milton Brick Works Carluke

03/07/1937 – The Scotsman – New Company – Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited, 146 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Private company to acquire the share capital of Gold and Company (1920) Ltd, T.B. Gibson and Company Ltd and Ochiltree Tile Works Ltd and to carry on the business of makers of drain pipes, bricks and other clay goods &c. Capital £25,000 in £1 shares. Subscribers R.W. Martin, tile manufacturer, Midsands, Racecourse Road, Ayr and T.B. Gibson, tile manufacturer, Milton Bank, Carluke

29/12/1978 The Edinburgh Gazette  – Scottish Clay Hollow-Ware Limited (In Receivership) I, John Gourlay Hunter, Chartered Accountant, of 100 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6DJ, hereby give notice that, in terms of Sections 11 and: 12 of The Companies ((Floating Charges and Receivers:) (Scotland) Act 1978, I was appointed Receiver of Scottish day Hollow-Ware Limited) on 13th December 1978. In terms of Section 19 of said) Act, Preferential Creditors should lodge their claims with me within six months of the date of this advertisement. John Gourlay Hunter, Receiver. 100 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6DJ. 15th December 1978

Below  – Left to right.

1. – 2 chambered hollow building block/heating duct measuring  12″ long x 12″ high x 7″ wide – Found Castlehill – pic above

2. –  3 chambered hollow building block/heating duct measuring – 9″ high 9″ long and 5″ wide – found Milton Brickworks

3. – 3 chambered hollow building block/heating duct measuring 12 1/2″ long x 12″ high x 7″ wide – Found Castlehill – pic above

4. – 3 chambered hollow building block/heating duct measuring  11 3/4″ long x 11 1/4″ high x 3 3/4″ wide – Found Milton Brickworks


Below – Slotted block/heating duct measuring  12 1/2″ long (but this is a broken length so would have been longer)  x 8 1/2″ high x 3 3/4″ wide. Found at Milton Brickworks.

Below – Slotted brick/heating duct measuring 8 1/2″ x 4″ x 2 3/4″ – Found at Milton Brickworks.

Below – The Carluke Historical Society has single-chambered blocks of the same shape and design as the 3 chambered version above.

Flower pots Law junction or waterlands tile works carluke

Below – 10/01/1856 – Edinburgh Evening Courant –  The annual meeting of the Association for the Improvement of Agricultural dwellings … An interesting early article where reference is made to the benefits of hollow blocks for internal walls. (This is not in reference to the Milton Works)


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