Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company Limited, Crossbank, Glasgow | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company Limited, Crossbank, Glasgow

Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company Limited, Glasgow. (Note – SBH – According to the information below these works were situated at Crossbank. There is a reference to a brickfield there so it is not certain if this was one of the same as Crossbank Brickworks or situated adjacent to it)

20/08/1870 – Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company Limited registered.

23/12/1870 – Glasgow Evening Citizen – Notice to operators. The Scottish Industrial Brick-making and Building Company Limited registered under the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1867. Shares being one pound each. Shares may be had at their office, 15 London Street. Open every Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 o’clock or on Saturdays from 5 to 7 o’clock pm, or by applying to Adam Scott Jun, secretary to the company 136 Canning Street, Calton where every other information may be received.

23/12/1871 – The Scotsman – The year’s new joint-stock companies in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company Limited has for its objects to make and sell bricks, build and sell heritable property. Its place of business is at 15 London Street, Glasgow. The company was registered on 20/08/1870 when 7 persons signed the memorandum of association and took up 39 shares. The nominal capital is £2000, divided into 2000 shares, of which 39 were taken up at the date of last return.

06/11/1872 – North British Daily Mail – Pollokshaws. Imposition – At the Justice of the Peace Court held here yesterday, James Carrol, labourer, residing in Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow was charged with falsehood, fraud, and wilful imposition before Robert Gilmour and Wm. Geddes, Esqs, Justices of the Peace. Carrol was employed at the Cropbank Brickworks, (Crossbank?) in the employment of the Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Brick building Company (Limited), and had been paid off on the 12th October last and on Monday following he went to the brickwork and represented to Wm. Henderson, salesman, that be had not got his lying day’s wages, whereby Henderson was induced to pay him the sum of 3s, being one day’s pay. Carrol was sentenced to 10 days imprisonment.

1873 – 1874 – Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Society (Limited), 398 Crown St.; R. Sproul, manager.

03/07/1873 –  A reference for Christopher Ingram dated 03/07/1873 by S McKirdy, Crossbank Brickworks, Glasgow.

3rd July 1873
Crossbank Brickworks
This is to certify that the bearer Christopher Ingraham has been employed as engineer for the
above Company for the last two years and has always given the very best and highest
satisfaction to both me and the Company, and it is with regrets that we have to part with him
only for to better himself. We can therefore recommend him to anyone who may require him to
be a steady good workman and perfectly sober in his habits.
With best wishes,
I Remain Yours Respectfully
Per Coy
S McKirdy

03/12/1873 – Glasgow Herald – The Scottish Industrial Brick-making and Building Company Limited Notice is hereby given that in virtue of a resolution of the board of directors, a general meeting of shareholders of the Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Society (Limited) will be held in Allan’s Temperance Hotel (sometimes called the Bell Hotel), 68 Trongate Street, Glasgow on Friday the twelfth day of December current half-past eight o’clock afternoon with the object of appointing a liquidator or liquidators for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the company and with the object of fixing the remuneration of each liquidator or liquidators.

James Morris – President.

John Rodger – Secretary.

Hugh Baird, John I Wright, John Paterson, Humphrey Robertson, William Robertson – Five members.

258? Crown Street, Glasgow, 01/12/1873.

29/01/1874 – North British Daily Mail – Brickfield for sale. Upset price reduced to £800. There will be exposed, by public roup, within the Faculty Hall, St George’s Place, Glasgow on Wednesday 4th February 1874, at one pm (unless previously disposed of), the lease of the brickfield at Crossbank, held by the Scottish Industrial Brickmaking and Building Company (Limited), together with the buildings, machinery and plant thereon, all recently advertised. For further particulars apply to Carswell & Murray, accountants, 96 West Nile Street; or to Keydens, Strang & Girvan, writers, 166 West George Street, Glasgow, who will exhibit the articles of roup.

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