Seafield Farm Clayfield, Inverness | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Seafield Farm Clayfield, Inverness

Seafield Farm Clayfield, Inverness (Note – SBH – I am uncertain if a brickworks was ever erected at this location. Can anyone also confirm this was the clayfield location if not a brickworks).

15/01/1841 – Inverness Journal and Northern Advertiser – On the farm of Seafieldwithin a mile of the Royalty of Inverness, there is a clay field of a large extent, admirably adapted for making bricks, draining or roofing tyles, chimney cans and all other sorts of earthenware for houses, gardens, orchards, plants or flowers. Proposals will be received from any experienced manufacturer of these articles and with there being no such establishment within a great many miles on the Southern side of the Moray Firth, much business may be expected. The clay being above the level of the road and close to the sea, may be worked and the manufactured articles shipped with perfect convenience.

Below – 1869 – This may be Seaton Farm as referred to above but there does not appear to be any details of a brickworks on site.

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