Souterhouse Brickworks, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Souterhouse Brickworks, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire


23/10/1895 – Coatbridge Express – Coatbridge Police Court – William Robertson, David Watson, labourers, of no fined abode, Alex. Allison, puddler, English Square, and James Harrison, pit drawer, residing there, were charged with contravening the Trespass Act by lodging without leave at the kilns of the Souterhouse Brickworks about 4 o’clock on Sunday morning. Allison and Harrison said they had stayed out an hour too late and didn’t like to go home. They were each fined 10s or seven days.

12/03/1896 – Aberdeen Press and Journal – A sad fatality occurred the other day at Coatbridge on the Souterhouse Brick Company’s siding. It appears that about that hour, Mr James Martin, of the Coatbridge Ironworks, Langloan, had been walking along the line. The night was very dark. Shunting operations were proceeding on the line, which is connected with the North British Railway at No. 2 Souterhouse Pit, and Mr Martin appears to have been overtaken in the darkness by an engine and waggons. He was run down and instantaneously killed. Mr Martin was well known and much respected. He leaves a widow and family.

Below – 1897  – Souterhouse Brickworks.

1900 – 1901 – Cameron, Alex., brickmaker, Souterhouse, Coatbridge.

1901 – Directory of Clay Workers – Souterhouse Brick Company, Souterhouse, Coatbridge, N. B., composition bricks and common pressed facing bricks. T. Address “Souterhouse Brickworks, Coatbridge”. Tel: 0478.

1901 – 1902 – Cameron, Alex., brickmaker, Souterhouse, Coatbridge.

19/01/1901 – Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser – Navvies wanted. 3 or 4 good men. Apply Souterhouse Brickworkworks, Coatbridge.

1902 – 1903 – Cameron, Alex., brickmaker, Souterhouse, Coatbridge.

18/07/1902 – The Edinburgh Gazette – Sequestration of David Cameron, builder, Holytown. Alexander Morrison Carstairs, Chartered Accountant, Glasgow, has been elected Trustee on the Estate; and David McGregor Young, Writer, Glasgow, William Oliver Clazy, Writer, Glasgow, and James Scobbie, a Partner of the Souterhouse Brick Company, Coatbridge, residing at Beechworth, Newarthill, have been elected Commissioners. The Examination of the Bankrupt will take place in the Sheriff Court House, Airdrie, on Monday, 28th July next, at eleven o’clock forenoon. The Creditors will meet in the Trustee’s Office, Albany Chambers, Charing Cross, Glasgow, on Wednesday, 6th August next, at twelve o’clock noon. Alexander M Carstairs, C.A., Trustee.

1903 – Souterhouse Brick Co. Souterhouse, Old Monkland, Coatbridge.

1904 – 1905  –  Souterhouse Brick Co., brickmakers, Souterhouse, Coatbridge; D. M. Duncan, manager.

15/08/1908 – Coatbridge Leader – Elisabeth M’Shane, a brickworker, residing in Kirkwood Street, met with an accident on Monday, while employed in the Souterhouse Brickworks, belonging to the Souterhouse Brick Co. She was employed at one of the finishing machines in the works when her right hand was caught, and her thumb severely crushed. She was attended to by Dr Kennedy, who dressed the wound and had her conveyed to the Alexander Hospital. There it was found necessary to amputate the thumb close to the hand and the operation was carried through by Dr Rennie.

13/11/1909 – Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser – Alexander Hospital donations – Souterhouse Brick Co employees £1.


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