Spinella MC | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Spinella MC

Found by Ian Suddaby near Ravenscraig, Motherwell.

This example is not in my possession.

Ian states – It’s a shame the markings on many of these relatively modern basic bricks are so faint. At least I can just read this one. Why is the C a bit smaller? SPINELLA MC

So this was made by General Refractories (GR), at either Worksop, Nottinghamshire or Manuel near Falkirk in Scotland. Spinella (or Spin) was a brand name and MC is Magnesia-Chrome, the mixture. The circular mark might suggest it was made in Scotland as Stein used them before the GR takeover in 1967. I’ve never found one at Manuel though.
Found at Ravenscraig, N. Lanarkshire.
  • Stein, Castlecary Fireclay Works, Castlecary, Stirlingshire.
  • Stein, Manuel Firebrick and Refractory Works, Whitecross, Stirlingshire.
  • Stein & Co, Anchor Brickworks, Denny, Stirlingshire.
  • Milnquarter Fireclay & Gannister Works, Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire.

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