Tobacco Pipe Works, 42 Bain Street, Glasgow | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Tobacco Pipe Works, 42 Bain Street, Glasgow

Found by Michael Fallone at the Tobacco Pipe Works, 42 Bain Street, Glasgow during the demolition of a small ancillary building. The main buildings still stand today ( October 2017).

Canmore – Tobacco Pipe Works, 42 Bain Street, Glasgow – Complex building sequence, principal front to Bain Street by M Forsyth of Airdrie, architect, 1876-7, for White’s clay pipe factory. Identical pair distinctive tall red and contrasting white brick blocks facing Bain Street, originally linked (modern replacement link of no historic interest) by a lower range which had 1877 datestone. Renaissance and elaborately detailed, openings mostly round-headed and recessed in shallow panels with inset pilasters, pilasters also divide bays. 4 storeys with a tall attic, each block symmetrical and with 2-storey oriel corbelled above ground floor, centre gables to design of Low Countries derivation, glazing mostly original. Flank elevations also similarly ornamented, particularly S flank to Moncur street. Timber floors on cast-iron columns. Similarly detailed tall block at corner Gibson Street/Moncur Street also connected by lower link; to Gibson Street, a block of different date – though still polychrome brick, and of similar height – which has arched single windows above ground floor recessed between giant pilaster strips, series of regular bays; also lower range in areas to rear, part rubble-built, the latter presumably an earlier survivor.

Below – J & M Craig, Perceton Fire Clay Works Kilmarnock.

This is an extra-long arch brick.



Below – This J & M Craig, Kilmarnock brick was also found at the same location.

Below – This J & M Craig, Kilmarnock brick was also found at the same location.

Below – This modified moulded plinth (appears altered by the bricklayer to make it fit) was found at the same location and built in among the J & M Craig bricks so I believe this is also made at the same works albeit it is not marked as such.


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