Toxsidehill Brick and Tile Works, Toxside, Gorebridge, Midlothian | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Toxsidehill Brick and Tile Works, Toxside, Gorebridge, Midlothian

Below – 1852 – 1853 – Toxsidehill Brick and Tile Works, Toxside.

1862 – Toxside Tileworks, Gorebridge. A Thomson.

11/01/1862 – Farmers Gazette – An article on land improvement with references to Toxside Estate … Stones and lime were convenient, and the clay of Toxside hill afforded suitable materials for the manufacture of pipe-tiles and collars … The drains range in depth from 3 1/2 to 4 feet, and from 18 feet to 30 feet apart, according to the nature of the soil and subsoil; cost 1s per rood for cutting, laying the tiles and filling in; two-inch pipes and collars cost 20s per 1,000; and driving, &c., 4s. per 1,000 …

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