Wilson Stirling | Scotland's Brick and Tile Manufacturing Industry

Wilson Stirling

Found in the Alloa area.

The brick is stamped ‘Wilson’ to one side and ‘Stirling’ to the other.

Note the elongated ‘L’ in Wilson.

The manufacturer is not known for certain. If, as suspected it is the Bonnybridge Sillica and Fireclay Company, then the reason for the Wilson stamp is unknown.

Following on from the above information it appears a Mr John Wilson was CEO/manager of the Bonnybridge Silica and Fire Clay Works, certainly between 1918 and 1922 and worked for the company for 40 years so he may well be the name stamped on these bricks and ‘Stirling’ represents the area of manufacture – Stirlingshire.


Below – A better example found by Ian Suddaby in the Alloa area.


See also this link.

The origins of this diamond-shaped iron ‘Wilson’ stamp are unknown. Note the elongated and distinctive ‘L’.

The item is held in a collection owned by the Falkirk Community Trust and is described

Description – Iron frog stamp in the form of a lozenge containing the word “WILSON” in mirror image. Used by the Bonnybridge Silica and Fireclay Company Limited, (BSF) Bonnybridge.

Unfortunately, the reason why the association was made as described above is unknown but it is assumed that this stamp was recovered from the old BSF work site.

There is no obvious relationship between BSF and Wilson. Wilson does not appear to be a trademark of BSF.

It is entirely possible that ‘Wilson’ was a customer of BSF and that bricks made by BSF for ‘Wilson’ were marked with this stamp prior to firing and despatch.

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