Wishaw and Coltness Fire Clay Brick and Tile Works, North Lanarkshire.
(Note – SBH – I am uncertain as to the location of these works but they may well be one of the same as the Wishaw Fire Clay Works).
29/05/1852 – The Scotsman – George Scott, Agent, (Office adjoining Royal Horse Bazaar), Lothian Road, Edinburgh, respectfully announces that he has been appointed sole agent in Edinburgh, for The Wishaw and Coltness Fire Clay Brick and Tile Works and from the favourable arrangements entered into, he is enabled to supply builders and others on most advantageous terms. G Scott invites inspection at his office of specimens of every variety of articles in fire clay, comprising chimney cans, vases, flower pots, pipe and drain tiles, bricks, &c. &c
Below – 31/05/1855 – Commonwealth (Glasgow) – Macdonald, 83 Bothwell Street, Glasgow appointed agent for the Wishaw and Coltness Fire Clay Brick and Tile Works.

28/11/1856 – Greenock Advertiser – To improving landlords, farmers &c. Drain pipes and tiles of superior quality sent to any station on the Caledonian Railway or shipped at Greenock for any part of the West Highlands. Joseph Chappel, 83 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, agent for Wishaw and Coltness Fireclay and Drain Tile Works.
13/05/1857 – Limerick Chronicle – John Potter Fitzgerald, auctioneer and valuator, begs to inform his friends and the public that he is an agent for the following companies … The Wishaw and Coltness Brick, Tile, Fireclay and Pottery Works … John Potter Fitzgerald, 1 Thomas Street, Limerick.